I would love some advice, especially from guys, because I am confused. Here is my situation:

I have been seeing a guy for over 4 months but we are not in a committed relationship. I feel he does have feelings for me (I've met his friends, I know he talks about me to his friends, he notices and compliments me when I put effort into my appearance, he calls just to say "hi", etc.) but. . .he's never brought up being exclusive. He's a musician, though, and I think I know why he's not anxious to get into a relationship (I'm aware there's a "perk" to being a musician and it's not the love of music. . .)

I've always been advised that girls are to "never" bring up the topic of relationships. And, in the past, I've never had to. My past boyfriends have always been the ones to solidify our relationship status. And I've always been told that once the girl admits she has feelings first then it's the kiss of death. But I feel I'm going to have to be the one to bring this up because I don't think he's going to. And it could be because he's "just not that into me" but should I go ahead and put myself out there and see what happens? Have any of you guys out there had your girl pursue you? Is there a better way to approach this (like give him a "sense of loss", etc.)?