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Thread: High Blood Pressure

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2010

    High Blood Pressure

    My boyfriend has twice now had really high blood pressure readings in the last 6 months. So high infact that his doctor is going to put him on some medications if it doesn't go down ASAP. Obviously we talked about things to do at home to regulate this before it gets to that point.

    I'm really concerned. He's only 32 years old and its making me wonder and feel sort of guilty. I know he has a TON on his shoulders....me moving in, kids, work, money, all kinds of things.

    He says he's eating better since I moved in, not as much frozen pizza and popcorn chicken type stuff for dinner. I am going to try to step up the amount of fruits and veggies around the house as snacks.

    We also talked about putting the gym memberships we pay for (and don't use) to use again. When the kids are put to bed the plan is for him to go to the gym and I'll stick around the house.

    I guess my blood pressure is always low when I have mine checked so this is new to me and I always associate high blood pressure with 50-year-old men and heart attacks. I want to take care of him and I want him to want to take care of himself.

    If anyone has any good suggestions or experience I'd like to hear it.
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  2. #2
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    Sep 2010
    you should always try lifestyle modification first, such as diet and exercise, before resorting to drugs. However, he's too young to be having such high blood pressure which leads me to believe his diet is only a part of it. This is really a question you should ask his doctor. He would know if your boyfriend has essential hypertension or hypertension secondary to some other cause(s)

  3. #3
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    Cut out as much processed foods, alcohol, cigarettes, and exercise on a regular basis. Health is not by food alone.

    Frankly, I don't think he's too young, but just an example of the beginnings of the next phenomenon. There are already children on cholesterol and hbp meds, so your example is nothing new. The other thing you touched on is his stress level. If he has a lot of negative stress in his life, try to think of ways to reduce it. Stress can definitely be a catalyst to chronic diseases that were brewing all along.

    Good luck.

  4. #4
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    I see you have a gym membership you say you never use, my husband and I had the same situation. We both worked, have a child, and so much going on we never went. We ended up getting the P90X workout system. It's a system that is supposed to change your image in 90 days, we don't follow the program but we use the exercises. There are about 12 different workouts and they are KILLER. They have cardiac, core, and all the different muscle groups, and you don't need gym equipment, just a couple sets of weights. My husband does it about 3X's a week, I don't really work out because I don't have extra weight and I'm lazy.
    It's a lot easier than going to the gym.

  5. #5
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    Well you know stress has a lot to do with it alongside physical health, last time i had gone to the doc a week ago about my hair issue i had high blood pressure and the doctor said it was probably cuz i'm stressing too much and i'm turning 20 in two months so age is only a small variable in this kind of situation.
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  6. #6
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    Buy a decent blood pressure cuff, and take his pressure at home twice a day, morning and evening, and record it for a couple of weeks. That will be a more accurate representation of his true blood pressure. A lot of people experience hypertension as soon as they talk to a medical professional. It's called "white coat syndrome". That's why they don't diagnose people with hypertension unless they are seeing a consistent pattern.

    How high is his pressure, anyway? The normal course of treatment is first: dietary modifications, then diuretics, and then blood pressure medications. And no, he isn't too young... there are both lifestyle factors AND hereditary issues involved.
    Relax... I'll need some information first. Just the basic facts - can you show me where it hurts?

  7. #7
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    I've had problems with high blood pressure before when I was actually 30 but that was do to unhealthy factors of being over weight, smoking, and living a sedentary. The best way I resolved the issue was when I sat down to make a list as to what got me there in the first place. (identifying the root causes of the problem) When I made a list the first thing I did was go the doctor to get it under control. Then I devised an effective plan for changing my lifestyle. I was very laser focused to get these goals achieved no matter what..why because my life could depend on it. In 2001, I weighed in at 336lbs. I knew right then and there something had to give. You see people have good and bad habits they practice everyday. It's matter of turning those bad habits into good ones no matter how big or small it all adds up. I just made it a good routine habit of going to classes at the gym like spinning every Tuesday night for example. After a period of about 20 months my efforts paid off when I lost a total 124 lbs going down to 212 lbs.. My endurance, flexibility, strength, speed, confidence etc. vastly improved. Get a blood pressure monitor as vashti suggested earlier. A calendar would be great for recording numbers. Do this until you get a more desirable number but check it every now and then to make sure it isn't too high but don't too obsessed with it. This doesn't necessarily mean he has to be stuck on medication for the rest of his life as long he can get it under control. It can be done
    Last edited by Roymax; 08-10-10 at 12:46 AM.

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