So I'm friends with this girl I used to work with and we were both in relationships at the time but we still managed to hang out every so often. Always drinking with this girl, she's a great person to have fun with and knock a couple back.

Anyways, almost a year ago we were both having relationship issues and ended up breaking up with our others for whatever reason and she told me one night that if I wasn't with my gf at the time, she would have wanted something to happen between us.

We made out a few times and although the kissing was great, she was always pretty shy and it was awkward getting to that point. Like at the end of the night it felt like "okay, this is the time where we're suppose to kiss" because she's told me she's really not into PDA and thinks that kissing and stuff should be kept private. Anyways, that happened a few times but it got kinda awkward because I couldn't get a read on her. Eventually I stopped trying to kiss her. I don't know if she's not into me or she's really that shy and incapable of making a move.

I found out a few months ago that she tried to get back together with her ex, but then broke it off again. I'm hoping the awkwardness was because of that.

We still hang out, about once a week and it's still pretty damn fun. I just don't know how she sees me now. She was the first to say she wanted something to happen, then she was the one being awkward about it. I don't initiate any contact, I don't text her, I just reciprocate whatever she sends my way. She messages me almost every day and I just try to keep it light and casual.

Should I just try and make another move and then see how she responds? Do I talk to her about it? Do I do nothing but be as charming as I can be and wait for her to do something?

I just don't want to get my hopes up and find out I'm in the friend zone. I'm not in love with this girl, but she's beautiful and fun to be around. I want to take it to the next level but I don't want to waste my time if she's not into me.