this guys is always staring at me every time I go into his store. he is always smiling at me and offering to help me. I always catching him looking at me while he's folding clothes or even when other plp are asking him for help I see him turning and looking for me. I thought at first he was just maybe to shy to try to strike up a conversation. He always stares and holds his gaze, the last time he did that i looked and stared back at him ( i usually cant hold up my gaze but this time i did) and i got this feeling looking at his eyes that he liked me back..... but then I found out he already has a girlfriend! so then y is he doing this to me?
I'm so confused I really like him he's so nice and hes only like that towards me. is he just doing this for the thrill? or can he possibly like me? also he has now switched jobs!