
I met a woman I have to come to love back in November of 2010. We started officially dating in March of this year.

Things started out great and then slowly I became to distrust her. She told me a lot of white lies. Things that didn't matter at all. It made me start to question what she really lies about that I don't know about. I started questioning her and violated her privacy and pryed into her personal information to find facts. She found out and I admitted to all this. We both hurt eachother badly.

We decided we both still want eachother. She said we need to rebuild and take it day by day, with no drama. She says she doesn't know how long it could take. Basically she means we are starting over as friends. She claims we will stay loyal/faithful to eachother through this.

The problem is this is a long distance relationship. I am moving near her towards the end of the year. Right now she lives in Vegas and I in WI. The problem is its touch to rebuild this far away. I went down there last weekend to visit and we went from sleeping with eachother last month to not even holding hands or kissing even once. It was VERY TOUGH!