I welcome guest posts on my site. They give the readers fresh perspectives beyond what I can provide. I also learn a lot from the guest posts.

Guidelines to post:
The post you are submitting should be minimum 400 words.

The post should be anything related to Love, Misunderstandings, Sacrifices, Failures, Funny incidents, Things turned after getting marriage, Revenge on your boy/girl friend who cheated you...etc, among boys and girls or family. Take a look at the site. You definitely get an idea.

The post content must be original and don't copy from another blog or website.

You may link to your own site once or twice but please be reasonable using the links as I will check the links for relevance. Don't link any sites that are non related to the content in the post.

I will try to reply within a day or two to any guest post request. I will also try to tell you quickly whether the post will be published at all.

I reserve the right to edit the post as needed (for example, to fix spelling or grammar errors) and to reject post that I feel is not appropriate for this website. If I do not publish the post you have submitted, I will not use it in any way and you are free to publish the post on your own blog.

How to post at my site:
Register for an account at Love n Hate. A password will be e-mailed to you. If you want you can change your password later.

You will be redirected to dashboard where you can post an article or edit your older post. Otherwise use the dashboard link which is provided at left top of the website to get into the dashboard.

Write a post, save it and then it will be reviewed and published.