Last summer I met this guy randomly. We texted for a few months and then started "hanging out/hooking up." We saw each other a total of three times, and then in February he went cold. Just stopped texting/calling/coming over. I tried to rekindle it, but gave up. Then a week ago he randomly texted me a hello, an apology for ignorning me. Mind you I hadn't texted him in over a month. We started talking/texting and he told me he missed me and was glad we were talking again. Then I made the mistake of telling him I missed snuggling with him. He told me I might be able to convince him to come over. A couple days later we were talking and he told me I was too nice to him. He wouldn't elaborate so I let it go. Then this last weekend things changed. Friday, I text him and asked him to come over after work on Saturday. His response was "I don't think that is the best idea right now." Again no elaboration. Saturday rolls around and I text him hi and asked how he was. He told me good and then told me he was getting better because after work he was going to a different town to see a friend and someone.

Obviously I felt a bit of a slap in the face. After not talking to me for months he contacted me, started making me feel like he liked me and now this. After he told me he was going to see someone I asked him why he wanted to hurt me, etc. He came back with "what we can't talk cuz I am seeing someone." Is it wrong of me to feel as though he's getting his cake and eat it too? I know we weren't serious or dating for that matter, but why didn't he tell me he was seeing someone? I like him!!! He texted me both Sunday and Monday (yesterday), while he was still in the town with her? Isn't that wrong or am I overthinking this and it's ok for him to see her and still talk to me?