Ok I titled the thread differently for a reason because I'm not talking about random options, but the blog option in particular. I sent loveadmin a message regarding this, but I'm sure his inbox is glutted with many other messages. Anyway I/we understand that spammers were using the blog comment boxes to spam and were using blogs themselves to spam. Obviously that was a problem, but what if the post count was raised to say a couple hundred before one could post a blog or comment on one? I think that would be enough time to determine if someone was a spammer or not, right? What person is going to post 200-300 thought out posts just to use their blog space for spam and then get banned? On the flip side of that coin is if the person starts making nonsensical or one word posts they will be watched and probably banned.

@ loveadmin: Does that sound like a good way to both bring blogs back to LF and prevent blog spamming? If not, is LF simply never going to have blogs again?