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Thread: Found out how many guys she slept with...

  1. #16
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    Seattle, WA
    Quote Originally Posted by funkmasta View Post
    You are clearly need to validate yourself on this forum LMAO!!! I am printing this out and showing my buddies.

    ANYwhooo... you said nothing helpful lol.
    Actually I don't really care what you do with what I wrote. Here's the thing, I once had a really shitty love life. I've had some pretty damn traumatic shit happen to me because of my own insecurities and weaknesses. I admit that, I've fixed quite a bit of them, and the others I'm still working on. The difference is, I don't pretend that I'm perfect. I don't do it here, and I never have. Ask any of the long-time folk here who remember when I started posting here, and they'll tell you I've been more than candid about my own failings at being a good husband, a good boyfriend, and even at being a good lover.

    As for having a big penis? It's bigger than average, but not monstrous. For a good while I actually had convinced myself that I was undersized, and that my first wife's reasons for not sleeping with me had do do with me being lousy in bed, inadequate, etc. So, I set out to fix that. In the end, the problem with my first marriage's sex life was my now ex wife. She had issues, she wouldn't talk to me about them, and when the marriage started to fall apart she wouldn't even go to counseling. Even then, I can't blame her for the marriage failing. It was as much my fault as it was hers, I wasn't personally strong enough to make the right decisions. Rather than file for divorce the only two things I could think to do were A) kill myself, or B) have an affair. I'm not fond of death, so I had an affair.

    Now, having an affair is pretty damaging. Not only to your spouse, but to you. I really cannot imagine how I made her feel when she found out. When she did find out we were already divorcing, but she's not really able to be civil to me when we do run into each other (Extremely rare occurrance.) and I don't really blame her for it. While I was miserable being married to her, I should have had the cajones to just divorce her.

    I didn't, that's my failure and I have to live with it for the rest of my life. On top of that, I already know that I'm capable of cheating, and I periodically ask myself if I'm capable of being monogamous and happy. So far the answer always comes back yes, but the doubt lingers in the back of my mind only to appear whenever a rough patch comes up.

    In the end I lost my wife, my girlfriend cheated lied to me about it and blamed me for her poor behavior, I ended up on anti-depressants to cope with the anxiety attacks and depression, my girlfriend got pregnant (it was mine, I'm just too tired to cover the details at the moment), she had an abortion, I got more depressed, she left me, they upped my anti-depressants, I lost my job because the medication made me unable to feel anything other than anger and made me clinically insane... oh and spent my 30th birthday contemplating the best way to kill myself...Which when you're living by yourself you have nobody to tell you that you're not right in the head... I was taken off the medications because I never should have been put on them to begin with, and then I nuked my life from orbit, fled the state and started over.

    In the end my home took 2 years to sell (Pre economic collapse), I took on $40k of my ex wife's debt in the divorce that I finally paid off last year (5 years later...), and I was forced to do an awful lot of soul searching to be OK with the fact that the person I thought I was, wasn't the person I was being.

    The best advice I can give you is, don't do the shit I did. It's not good.

    Validation from others here? No, I don't need it. I'm not perfect, I never will be, but I do work at being a better person. In the end what it all came down to was this: I failed to make reasoned and intelligent decisions about my life because I was too afraid of the consequences and the emotional pain I would cause myself and my significant other. Most people are incapable of getting out of their own way in order to find real and meaningful happiness with a partner.

    So, when I say you're an idiot, I mean it. And I'm right. It doesn't mean you'll always be an idiot, it just means you're being one right now.

    I was an idiot, I'm sometimes still an idiot.

    Usually I can dissect a person's personality flaws in under 5 minutes. You're insecure, you're not unique in this, and this is something you should really probably work on before it causes you bigger problems down the road.

    If you want to laugh at me, fine. Dismiss me, ok. I don't really care. I say what's on my mind, and your opinion of what I say isn't going to change the truth. So, hide with your head in the sand, be afraid of another man's dick, and belittle a woman for behavior that you'd be praised for by your peers... Because, you know that's all enlightened and shit.

    Here are the things I'm confident about in life: How much money I make, how happy I make my wife, how good I am in bed, and what good and evil I'm truly capable of doing. I still struggle with my own self worth, and my own self confidence. I'm working on it, but hey, search my posts, I've never once asked for relationship advice here. Why? Because I'm married, I'm happy being married, and even when my wife and I have a disagreement or rough patch, I know my life is better with her than without her. I don't escalate arguments, I don't call her names, and I don't disrespect her EVER. Not even as a joke.

    Look, you should care how many people you slept with, but only because you respect yourself and don't want an STI. However, judging her isn't going to accomplish anything. Get yourself tested if you have that little faith in her. I've had times in my life where I went and had myself tested. I consider it being respectful to myself.

    As for calling myself god-like in bed. Well, laugh all you want I don't care. I'm capable of being perfectly open and candid about my life and my failings here. There's literally nothing anyone can say to me to shame me about being good in bed after I spent years literally crying myself to sleep because my first wife didn't want to sleep with me. It's a pretty big ego crusher, I'm pretty damn emotionally sensitive, and for someone who was struggling with their self worth it was pretty damn destructive. I was contemplating killing myself on my honeymoon because my wife wouldn't sleep with me. I literally have no shame about my past, my failings, and the changes I made to validate myself. I can't, I'm not that guy anymore. I've done some pretty horrible crap, and covering it up doesn't make the pain go away. I had to learn to accept myself even with my faults.

    So, seeking validation here? No, not really. I just like helping people. I always have, and people post a lot of stupid crap here hoping that someone will validate how they feel rather than tell them the truth. Frankly I wish someone had told me the truth about marriage, how to choose who to marry, and what's really important in life. My dad's advice to me was, "Stop and think about whether or not it is worth arguing over." The truth is, so little matters that you shouldn't argue over it. I have my core things, thou shall not cross. Any woman that crosses them gets kicked to the curb. That's the ultimatum I give them up front. I am who I am, you cannot change me to suit your needs. I'll change if I want to change, not because you want me to.

    I hurt some people's feelings, but grand scheme of things I'd rather tell someone to f*ck off than lead them on with promises of something I know won't work.

    It took getting divorced for me to truly understand irreconcilable differences, and how to spot them early in a relationship. Now I'm happy, now I'm secure in my "manhood", and frankly the day I stopped defining myself according to what others thought was extremely liberating. I highly recommend it.

    You came her for advice, I gave you some. Either you walk away from it with something, or you don't. It's free advice, and it's worth every penny you paid for it.
    "Well, then," the Cat went on, "you see a dog growls when it's angry, and wags its tail when it's pleased. Now I growl when I'm pleased, and wag my tail when I'm angry. Therefore I'm mad."

  2. #17
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    Seattle, WA
    Quote Originally Posted by Sonrisa View Post
    i have a big cock and slept with twice as many people as Lite, can I be called the MegaSex God?
    Let's see, I've slept with 10 women, (Wow, 7 of which were in one year...), which means you've slept with... 30 women? 21 of which were in one year of your life. Daaaamn. So that really IS a self portrait!
    Last edited by Sonrisa; 30-06-11 at 01:51 PM.
    "Well, then," the Cat went on, "you see a dog growls when it's angry, and wags its tail when it's pleased. Now I growl when I'm pleased, and wag my tail when I'm angry. Therefore I'm mad."

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