I met a man about a year and a half ago at work. Upon meeting him I heard through the grapevine he had just propose to his on and off girlfriend of 4 years. I respected him as a coworker and we had a healthy friendship in the work place. About two months in I noticed the stares and the feeling I was receiving extra attention from him. We started talking alot more, enough to actually interupt our jobs and became close. It was truly not meant to be anything on my part but it slowly evolved into paying far too much attention from eachother. One night he put his number in my phone and from there we ended up communicating constantly. At the time I was single and being very attracted to him I was having a hard time resisting the attention.

This continued on on for months until it was clearly getting out of line. Nothing happened physically in any way, but the emotional attatchment was strong. We discussed the fact that things may be different if we had met at a different time. We addmited to thinking about eachother constantly. We couldnt wipe the smile off of our faace. Eventually. We agreed that this was to stop and said we were happy to know eachother as friends.

I was fortunate enough soon after to meet a great guy. We started dating and we've had a pretty solid relationship. If I am being completely honest, I have not been able to 100% get the coworker out of my head. He is someone I see every day. We have maintained that healthy work relationship though.

The other day out of no where I received a message from him on my phone. He had been away for a week and messaged to ask when he would see me at work because he missed me. At this point he is due to be married in just a few months. I was very surprised that he had reached out to me at all. This has now become a habit for a few days now. I went back to work and felt that same energy.

I don't want to be a bad person and have inappropriate things happening. I am not sure if I should bring it up or if I am reading into it. Maybe he is trying to have a friendship. Maybe he is just looking for attention. Whatever it is it is weighing on my mind. What would be the best thing to do. Before anyone calls me out on the other people's feelings involved or how wrong this is believe me I know. I think we have all had feelings where we shouldnt before . I hope someone can relate.