The hardest decision is to ignore your heart and listen to your head...
(What an understatement)

I want to preface my thread with my intentions of writing this to you all:
This is my way of coping and rationalizing the recent series of events.

I recently broke up with my girlfriend (it was mutual). We both were truley in love with eachother, but our worlds did not want to meet. I had made posts about my relationship before, but to summarize, here are the facts:
-She is 19, and I am 25 (age can and does make a difference, but you can make it work, unfortunately, I was not able to)
-She is Muslim (from Macedonia), and I am christian (culture clash, our relationship was a secret from her parents and her close relatives- Either she ditches me, or she ditches her parents).
-Shes white, I am asian (no big deal- but the stereotypes and evil looks from close minded people didnt help)
We made it work for so long, but I totally respect her for telling me one thing that really made think with my head over my heart.
"You know I love you, and its so frustrating that I can't put myself out there for you. With my parents, I don't see what I can do to make this better, its only gonna get harder in the future"- This was such a difficult thing to hear. I totally agreed, it was only gonna get harder. I would feel guilty if I made her leave her family for me. I just don't wanna be the guy to destroy someones family ties. It was the hardest decision to make, listen to my heart and stay with her knowing there was virtually no chance of it working out in the future, or listen to my head and make the wise choice of letting go now before it became more serious (more than it already was).

We dated almost 2 years (10/15/09 to 8/15/11).
Ive dated 2 other girls before this, and NEVER have I ever fell this hard for someone.

I know she will never see this: But I love you T, I'm sorry I had to keep my emotions in check so that I wouldn't get too caught up, I hope the best for you, for us. You have really made me a stronger person. I wished things could have been easier for us. My heart feel like its been crushed by a truck. I will miss you .

Anyone else going through a tough break up?