Quote Originally Posted by bigshot82 View Post
unless one is willing to use steroids, significant changes in body size cannot be achieved by working out (except for a 300+ lb guy with layers over layers of fat... which is not really an "average looking" guy I am talking about). As far as sense of humor, I don't think "funny" vs. "boring" is really open to interpretation. If you really think perky real boobs are not necessary to be hot, I would just call that naive.
Your post is just another product of your low self-esteem and blaming being "average" for your inability to get hot girls. There isn't a "significant" change required to go from average to hot, simply turn that average, untoned body into a toned body by simply exercising better judgment while eating and working our a few days a week. Not many people find roid-monkeys hot. Boring is not average, its below average. The average guy can crack a joke and get the laughs once in a while. But really, humor isn't what gets the girls, confidence does, and that is something that can be grown.

And I'm not sure at which point I said saggy mis-shapen boobs were hot too, but since you called me naive as a response to my post instead of posting a real rebuttal, I'm simply going to accuse you of being lazy and not being willing to do the work to make the necessary changes to see yourself as "hot".

Get out there and be less average, much like your comparison to job skills, you simply need to apply yourself.