"We are so young
Why be in love?
It's our time to have fun,
to enjoy,
not plan for tomorrow.
As we spend our lives
waiting for the future
we are wasting the present
that we'll never be able to relive.
We are so young,
and we are not as indestructable as we think,
we must live each moment for now,
not for the next week.
Enjoy every minute and hour of each day
For tomorrow may never even come your way.
Don't waste time being angry,
or hurt
You're only wasting more precious time on this earth.
Don't rush into anything along the way
Let love take it's course in the path of your way
If you rush to the end what is left to enjoy?
Let life give you lessons that keep you strong to survive
For when one door closes it leaves a key for the next.
Live every moment in time to it's fullest extent.
Live for laughter,
live for tears,
live for moments not for years.
Live for now, you won't go wrong
Love your time before it's gone".!!!