I'm pretty bad at figuring out girls when they're interesed in me, maybe its because i like to over analyze things and cant do that in the "heat" of the moment.
Basically, ive known this girl for about 4 months now. we met through social circle of friends and have been talking as friends all this time. Now, she has a boyfriend which is fine since i'm not hitting on her. She's quite a playful flirty person with everyone, confident etc. and we got on to a chat about past relationships. I told her that i would never do anything, not even kiss a girl if she had a boyfriend, even if the relationship was struggling. At first she kept asking questions like, but if the girl is happier with you, why would it matter? and, if the guy doesnt care, why would you?. So i answered as any normal person would and she said, wow you really are one of the good ones and i just laughed and left it at that.

Next day, she tells me that she's split up with her boyfriend for good,i try to make sure shes ok, as a friend would. Now, we had already arranged to go out as a group this friday way in advance but plans had changed and it is going to end up being only me, her and 1 couple. We're talking/texting as usual, and she starts telling me about all the time's she's flirted and wondered if i even noticed. I said no, we just laugh it off.

Fast forward to today. She's basically, flat out told me she likes me, alot, and that im hot, even when she was with her boyfriend. So, our group night out is coming up on fri and she asks if she can sleep at mine since i live nearby, i say yeah sure. Then she goes, i promise not to hog the bed, and think, well, my bed is huge so that wont be a problem.

Now, i'm not a complete retard, i know she likes me, has feelings for me, i'm pretty sure she would have sex me, maybe even a few months ago, since she told me already but is she expecting me to ask her out? or to just have a one-night stand with her? She knows full well i dont know one-night stands. I would like to date her but i feel that she might need more time to recover after her break up last month (she broke it off)

Sorry for the long post, but when its happening to me, i cant seem to firgue this out. I've probably even missed some details out, who knows.