@smakie - very good point. I think he is a bit shy and insecure about sex and when I introduce something new to him he freaks out a bit inside and worries that he won't be able to satisfy me. For me of course its just about sharing and being playful and if he isn't into something that I am, it doesn't bother me at all and I try to express that fact to him. I realize that I do have to be more sensitive to the way he reacts to certain things though. Thanks

@Vashti - thank you for your response. I have been in long term relationships before, and this has never been an issue in the past. I think me and him just may have different views on what's the ideal amount. You did however make a good point, and I guess that right now my real fear is that our sex life will continue to diminish until it is non-existent (after all, we've only been together for a year so its bound to get worse).

@Romantic guy - The confusion is understandable I guess, but I am female. The funny thing is that we are both very affectionate and emotional people and we touch, cuddle, and massage each other every chance we get. We both enjoy the closeness, but often times it doesn't go beyond that. I do try to compliment him and remind him how much he turns me on pretty much all the time and although it definitely does help, I feel like he doesn't reciprocate to the same extent. It isn't that he's unappreciative of me - because when sex happens he is, but its that it takes so much effort on my part to even get to a point where's he's even interested in enjoying time with me sexually. Its funny that you mention the gender thing, and how this usually happens when its the other way around. I think its the fact that as a woman, I'm so used to bf's pursuing me constantly, that now that that isn't happening I just feel like I don't turn him on. The rejection is pretty hurtful.

I realize that a compromise of sorts has to happen, but I just hope that we can meet each other at a place where we are both sufficiently satisfied. I love him and I want this to work so badly.