Ok this is very complicated. I've been seeing a guy for a year and a half, he is a friend of an ex of mine from years ago so we didn't start a relationship to spare his feelings at the start and because neither of us were looking for a relationship, however the last three months have been pretty serious between us and he now asks me to be his girlfriend all the time when he's drinking, however he is very shy around girls and never really talks about feelings unless its just the two of us and he is drunk or has drink in him and because he always has drink in him i never believe him because yes i am mad about him and do want to be his girlfriend but don't want to get hurt again and don't know how to say it to him when he's sober. At the moment a family member of his is very sick so i don't want to cause anymore problems for him i would rather if he would look after himself and concentrate in helping out at home. Here is where the problem starts we have a mutual friend who i would be very friendly with and would talk daily to him on the phone if he texts or rings but i have set him straight often that its just friends and i have no feelings at all for him, as the odd time he would make a move but i have never kissed him or went out on my own with him and he knows i am crazy about his friend. However me and the guy i like had a massive row at the weekend which ended in the 2 of us shoutn at each other. We both had been out the night before and i felt he was ignoring me and while i was chatting to our mutual friend he told me that the guy i liked had been given out about me and was mad about another girl. i got fairly upset, i just felt hurt and used and fed up of not knowing where i really stand so i got angry left and text the lad i like saying he doesn't deserve a girl like me he would only treat her badly and i deleted him as my friend on facebook. The next night i was out he came up to me to talk and see what had happend that made me send that message. He said he wasn't ignoring me he was hanging with his mates and then went looking for me but couldn't find me he had no credit to ring and left to see if he could see my car. He denied giving out about me and said he doesn even know who the other girl is. when we called our mutal friend over he denied saying any of they stuff he said to me so then it turnd into a huge row which lasted an hour while the mate ran fairly quickly when he saw his chance. I now feel hurt that a friend was lying to me all along and basically caused so much trouble. I flipped because it was a build up of stories over time. The guy i like is hurt that i would flip without asking him for his side of the story and doesn't know whether to believe me or his mate. He just can't make sense of what happend and he sees things in only black and white and is fairly stubborn so was blaming me for everything. I walked away eventually from the row because we were both getting upset and text him after to explain my side and to apologise for flipping before asking him his side and for deleting him. Is there anything else i could do to make up other than give him time to sort his head out? I am crazy about him always have been and it hurts like hell... but maybe if its what he wants we should just move on???? Is there any chance of making up?