
I write my husband a love letter every week. If you all know anything about typology, I'm an INTJ, and he's an INFP.

I am a nerd for marriage. I work on it, disassemble it, try to figure out why it works, and have lists of things I do for my husband.

Every week, I have a to-do that I check off--I write a love letter to my husband. Sometimes I write him poems, sometimes I write him prose. I have sent him to a flash website I coded for him. I've embroidered on paper, sent him postcards, and left him in-character messages on the server in which he plays his MMO game. Yes, I'm a nerd.

I try to think of new ways to tell him that I love him every single week. I am the luckiest woman on Earth, and I want to make this man blissfully happy forever. I've been writing these letters for close to two years now, and I have every itention of continuing to do so for the rest of our lives.

So, this is the new way I am telling him how much I love him. Feel free to comment. I know how lucky I am, and it doesn't hurt to agree with me!

Beloved, you're the light of my existence, and I want to plaster the world in every forum, on every piece of paper, in every book dedication, and in every song I write with my love for you.

Your wife.

PS: I made you chicken soup, and I can't wait to bust up some dungeons with you later! ;-)