So, my ex took me out for lunch the other friends...but we got on like normal, and like nothing had changed between us. I then saw her the following day, we hugged, know, normal stuff. Then after I saw her, she text askin where I had gone for tea etc, I told her and asked what she was up to. She
Proceeded to reply, telling me that she was having tea, then was going to watch some films with the person she had cheated on me with.

Well, I blew! I told her I didn't want to hear that shit. To her response "you asked what I was up to". I then told her to leave me alone, I'd had enough....I went out with my friends and one of her friends (who is a mutual friend, but is closer to her) anyway, we were havin an amazing night, until at 1.40am I received a text from my ex saying "hope your having a good night xxxx" to which I ignored.

Until now. I text her back today saying that she has destroyed everything we had and there is no way I can be her friend whilst this other person is in her life. I told her of never ask her to choose, because her choice has already been made. She replied with something along the lines of...Well just cos she's in my life, it doesn't mean that she needs to be in your life. She'd never stop me from seeing you or spending time with you. She doesn't have a problem with us being friends, but its your choice at the end of the day.

So I said to her....You seem to think I care about what she thinks. And what she wants. When I don't give a shit about her. I care about the fact that we've lost EVERYTHING, and you don't seem to care about that. Well I know I can't hang around in your life whilst she's in it.

To which, I have had no reply. Now I feel like I've been the bad person. But I keep trying to tell myself that whatever I say, has been nothing compared to what she has put me through. But I don't know if I've been the bad one now?!

I feel like I'm really struggling with everything. I just want her to know/see how much of a fool she has been, and I want her to know what she's lost. Because right now it doesn't seem to phase her.