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Thread: Over before it began?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2011

    Over before it began?

    I recently started seeing a woman who had been pursuing me. At first I thought she was cute but didn't pay her too much mind for a couple of reasons. First, she is 24 which is almost a full ten years younger than me. Also, when she first started talking to me she was in a 8-9 month long relationship and was telling me that she was interested in me. I flirted with her but told her that she didn't have a shot with me because she had a boyfriend. She was telling me that he wasn't going to be around for long because he didn't treat her well. We continued to talk and flirt via text for another couple of weeks and then she announced to me that she had broken off with him.

    I asked her after that if she wanted to go on a date with me. She gladly accepted and we went out the following weekend, allowing a buildup over a full week of increasingly intensive flirting. We went out and the date was simply amazing. We had the best time with each other and at the conclusion of the date were both in agreement that it was the best first date either of us had been on. I found myself far more attracted to her than I initially thought. And the connection to each other was very mutually felt.

    We continued to chat and text (basically allowing only like five minutes between texts) the following week and she started telling me stuff via text like I was saying all the right words, I was treating her like no man ever had in her life, reminding me how attractive she thought I was, and how she could see herself falling for me. She came back over that Friday and we again found ourselves having a wonderful time with each other. The following day we had made plans to do something that I had to cancel earlier in the week and she said she had made other plans. So we chatted via text but not nearly as frequently as before. Since I had changed plans for Saturday she was to come back over on Sunday but she had been asked to help w/ her family due to her sister needing her. I was completely fine with all of this but the texts were dying out even more with her responding anywhere from 30 to 120 minutes later. Since she couldn't make Sunday, she kept pushing it off another day. But then Monday she couldn't make it and wanted to come Tuesday which she also had a reason for not coming. I had been very understanding at this point realizing it is the week of Christmas and very busy but still wanted to spend some time with her before the Holiday. At this point I would be sending her texts in the evening saying goodnight and not even getting a response until the next morning whereas the prior week we would stay up until 1 AM texting...

    So I started asking her what was up and starts telling me that she isn't ready for a relationship. I say I understood that and thought we were taking things slow anyway. She countered back that maybe we should just wanted to be friends right now. I was like "well is there a reason for that? Are you seeing someone else or talking to your ex boyfriend again" And she skirted the question. I asked her again flat out and she said she wasn't ready to give me a response for that but she and her ex were friends. I was like fine then I guess I'll just leave you alone to which she responded that I just needed to chill while she figured some things out because she didn't know what she wanted.

    I didn't text her or anything the rest of that day and then Thur morning she starts texting me again being flirty. We flirt most of the day and I finally send a text telling her that I miss seeing her and get no response. I did not follow up that text and have not heard from her since, thinking I guess I'm not going to get an explanation to why things turned off for her overnight and that we were just NC from here on out. Being that it is Christmas I do really want to text her just wishing her a Merry Christmas. Earlier in this week before things so rapidly fell apart she was planning on coming over here today after her family functions were done but being as I haven't heard from her in three days I am not banking on that happening.

    What should I do? Should I just assume there's nothing more and move on w/ no real closure as to why it ended? Did she find herself being back with her ex? I miss her but feel a little used. I know what my qualities are and while it would be less than humble to say that she would be lucky to have me, I know that's very true (plus I'm not that humble lol). I've got my shit together and was up front in the beginning about not wasting my time. Should I even send her a Merry Christmas text or just wait and see if she contacts me and when she doesn't, I'll know it's done?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    She text back to wish me and my daughter a Merry Christmas and telling me that she missed me. I told her the same and told her I still would like to see her tonight. She said she would be busy with her family until later. I told her when I'd be free and told her to enjoy her day. She replied back thanks you too. I guess I'll wait and see if I hear from her tonight...

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    She's a flake and not that into you. If I girl REALLY likes you, she will find time.... Garenteed! Move on please

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    Surrey, BC
    FLAKE! She is a tramp-o-line. She's young, and has a short attention span...not relationship material at all.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    She likes the excitement and thrill of the "chase" of a new relationship. She knew that she can get you, and now she is bored...and misses her boyfriend because she is the type of girl that needs constant stimulus so she creates drama situations. A girl like that will eventually give you heart-break later....

    Once she feels like you are the one who is leaving her or breaking up....then she gets excited again and starts texting you and "missing you". She craves drama. Not worth being with.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Thank you for your responses. Of course you were right.

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