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Thread: Misandry in the US, promotion of domestic violence against men

  1. #16
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    There are many who deny we live in an age where maleness, where masculinity has been so devalued as to be commonly regarded as Subhuman. Where male sexuality is treated with such revulsion and contempt, that major television personalities feel completely free to make light…no, to outright revel in glee at a man being poisoned, tied up, and having his penis cut off, then ground to a pulp, by his wife, because he wanted a Divorce.

    These same major television personalities that routinely cry about ‘Battered Women’ are making light of the poisoning, kidnapping, and torture of a man for wanting a Divorce. In an age of No Fault Divorce, which was instituted at Feminist behest. They do not hide their glee at all, in fact Sharon Osbourne (the wife of Ozzy) even makes mixing motions with her hands, simulating a garbage disposal, and calls the whole thing ‘delightful’.

    The appalling hatred of men is not only open; it’s flaunted.

    This can only be the result of a Society that has so dehumanized men, so demonized male sexuality, that men can be literally tied up and tortured, have their lives permanently altered (by removing the ability to fulfil the most basic of drives)…and these women LAUGH.

    And not just the Hosts, but the entire audience…rolling in glee.

    And, I suspect, a good deal of women in everyday life.

    Every last one of them represent the truly disgusting in human nature. No, none of it is ‘innocent’, and no, it is not ‘just a joke’. Anyone taking pleasure in this shocking crime should be ashamed of themselves, and take a serious look at how they perceive men, and how that looks from THIS side of the fence. And the women ‘hosting’ this show? Every last one of them should lose their jobs.

    Will they? Of course not. Because they obviously know what appeals to their audience. Which is comprised of women. The audience certainly seemed pleased with the show, and enthusiastically joined in, as a matter of fact. Truthfully, the only time the audience gave pause, was when Sara, near the end of the segment, mentioned that ‘it’s kinda weird’ to be taking so much glee in something they would be horrified at the reverse of.

    But then the show quickly moved on, much to the audience’s relief.

    If this isn’t proof of widespread, generalized female hatred of men, I don’t know what is.

    Because I could NEVER see a man taking so much pleasure in the removal of a woman’s ability to have sex. Not even one.

    And women LOVE to hear about it happening to men. So much, in fact, that these hateful bigots will keep their jobs. Probably won’t even get a reprimand. They’ve got feminists to defend them, after all.

    And the beat goes on….

  2. #17
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    Brussels, Belgium
    ****ing cunts, know that the time of reckoning is at hand... ;-)

  3. #18
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    Sharon Osborne must be fired immediately for finding sexual mutilation of men “delightful”.

    I am sickened by the show’s violent attitude towards a man who was drugged and sexually mutilated by his wife for wanting to divorce her. Would “The Talk” promote the same justifications and jokes for sexual mutilation is a female wanted to get a divorce and was drugged and had her sexual organs cut out by her husband? Would CBS and “The Talk” do a show calling such violence “delightful”?

    Making repeated statements and jokes that violence and sexual mutilation of men is justifiable and funny is a hate crime and must be treated as such by CBS and “The Talk.” I am calling for Sharon Osborne and others’ immediate firing for their violent comments and a public apology made by the producers of “The Talk” to male victims of domestic and sexual abuse. I further demand CBS and “The Talk” air a show about male victims of domestic violence and sexual abuse at the hand of female abusers.

  4. #19
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    It’s the same every where, every woman that hears about this……just about anyway…..is laughing. Nearly every conversation that groups of women will be engaging in over this…..it will be with smiles and laughter……why do you think a bunch of celebrity women can go on their tv show and laugh and make jokes about it……..because that is what most women are like…….that is what most women are doing.

    Now let me say this…..celebrity women can go on their tv shows and laugh about men being drugged, tied up….and mutilated and permanently disabled by a woman…..and they think that is funny…..yet if I advocate any sort of voilence in retaliation then I’ll be jumped on by a pack of manginas and feminists…….even on here…..in this relatively dark corner of the internet…….and me being nobody of any influence……but I’ll be jumped on. Well **** it……we all know what should be done to women like these sub human scum……and yes it’s not just them……they are just representative of the sub human scum that have become the majority of women in the western world. We’ll I’d like to do some laughing too bitches…..maybe at you lot getting enlarged a few sizes with powered pipe reamer. Maybe it would be real funny to see your bra size reduced…..with a chainsaw.

    There was a guy a while back in Oz that had is cock chopped off by his insanely jealous wife who thought he was having an afair. He was an old guy in his seventies. They had him on a tv show over here….and when he walked out on stage when he was introduced…..the audience was laughing their arses off……they were in stitches…….mostly women….and there was one female politician who I don’t remember who it was……that was laughing hysterically in the audience. I mean these bitches just laughed in this guys face. They had an Oz supermodel on the show and she was giving advice to men on how not to get your cocks cut off. One thing she said was…..men….if you don’t want to lose your dicks….find your balls. All this in spite of the fact that the man did not have an affair…..and even if he did……so what…..reverse the situation and see if it’s accepted then. Didn’t matter…the whole show became a talk about voilence against women….even though it was supposed to be about voilence by women.

  5. #20
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    Silghtly OT, but I would like to add to Dan’s point about the women in the audience laughing. I quote my good self …

    There is surely not a female in the country over the age of 12 who remains unaware of how easy it is to harm a man very severely by making a false accusation of ‘abuse’ against him. And all adult women have surely seen via the media how atrociously men are treated merely following such an accusation.

    Most adult women will also be aware of how biased against men is the legal system when it comes to the family courts, and of how the educational system is nowadays also clearly failing men and boys. And educated women will certainly be aware of the fact that far more money is spent on women’s health than on men’s health; even when it comes to very serious illnesses such as cancer.

    Thus, most western women are well aware that their own sons, brothers, husbands and fathers are being subjected to gross unfairness.

    And yet they say and do nothing.

    Indeed, most of them seem to support what is going on.

    Perhaps, therefore, you men out there should learn something from this.

    Your own mother, your sister, your wife, your girlfriend: Does she support what is being done to you, or what could be done to you?

    Well, unless she has said otherwise, then she probably does.

  6. #21
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    Exactly Harry. There is no way in Hell women are unaware of the misandry they toss around like confetti. Many of them make no bones about the enjoyment they get from being able to. And men are waking up to this, painfully, but they are.

    And I do believe they are realizing their mothers, their sisters, their daughters….all feel the same way.

    Which is why they don’t ‘say something’.

    It’s kind of hard when you believe the exact same thing.

    Women have had their chance to prove they care about men. They have had their chance to SHOW not all women are like that.

    Instead, they have chosen to defend their reputation. because to them, their reputation is far more important than actually helping men, or ending oppression.

    …Misogynists are not born that way, they are made that way.

    And women deserve no better than they give.

  7. #22
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    I will no longer allow this particular “show” (along with a list of many others too lengthy for this comment) to be aired in my home. I too used to think it was funny when Men were nutshot (after all, red-pillarians are made, not born), till I found a new, exciting word to add to my already voluminous lexicon:

    Misandry(?). I had never before heard it uttered and when I did, it was then that I began to discover the truth about the media’s love of “harmless”, “humorous” groin shots to Men, most often perpetrated on them by their own wymyn and children: The media has for quite some time now, been normalizing violence against men by portraying it as funny in such disgusting sit-coms as “everybody loves Raymond” to name just one. Pavlov himself could not be prouder with the results…

    These souless cunts at “The Talk” should all find themselves poisoned, tied to a bed and awakened staring down a 10 inch steak knife, just before some creative reconstructive surgery. Would I laugh? **** yeah!!!!
    Would you???

  8. #23
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    And all this because of their penis envy... ;-)

  9. #24
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    Penis envy is something women carry with them from the formative years onward; from the very first game of “I’ll show you mine, if you show me yours” with the boy next door. “Why don’t I have one of those?”, she’ll ask herself.

    All this story does is manifest itself as what they’re all striving for; neuter (neutralize) all males (that aren’t subserviant to feminism). It’s a metaphor that reveals their true intention. Personal emasculation and political castration of males and masculinity through the judicial and legislative process.

    Men who have their dangly parts hacked off become just like women. He’s lost all his male power, what identifies him as male. Isn’t it glorious? And we can humiliate ALL men through him, by laughing at it with impunity. “Ha, ha, ha…he’s no longer a man, he’s just like us now, nothing there but a hole to pee from!”

    Meanwhile the sacred vaginal orifice, a fleshy crevice that bleeds with the moon and smells like seafood gone bad when not cleaned properly, can’t even be mentioned.

  10. #25
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    So who finds this disgusting? Not the women, obviously. My wife laughed and laughed until I roared at her,”Think it’s so ****ing funny, huh? WHat if some guy out there hacked HER tits off and made her wear one as a beanie and he wore one too, then notched her pussy in four directions, cut off her clit and tossed it to the dog for a snack? Would that make you laugh? Is that funny for you?”

    She stopped laughing, she stopped smiling and got pouty, upset look on her face and denied laughing. My son, room mate and I all told her she’d been laughing. How scary is that? Hmm? How scary is it that these women are programmed to find this funny…it’s subliminal now, all below the level of consciousness! I mean honestly, listen to that cunt Sharon Osbourne! Ozzy goes and buys her a new body, tits and all the riches she wants and she says it’s different if a man is involved…it’s funnier and they don’t even WANT to think of the inverse!

    And then comes the reality that they possibly NEED to get retribution against them with iron weight behind it so they have to know they are going to get nailed for this. Throw the book at her? They’d KILL a man for committing that kind of mutilation in the US! Kill him!

    If a lynch mob doesn’t get her, the courts must or they will invariably dial the MRA up on them to High Power.

    AS a closing, my wife, duly mollified, was on FaceBook the other day in a vicious knock down, drag out argument with people about this very thing….defending the Man and putting his “Crazy **** Bitch Wife” for what she did, and that she deserved to be locked up for life or worse. So speak up, don’t stand silent, and my Room mate is female so they are people you can wake up.

  11. #26
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    Oh my God. Get a grip! One stupid woman doesn't warrant this kind of rage on your part. Did you see rant after rant after rant when Rush Limbaugh called a college girl a whore for wanting access to birth control?
    Relax... I'll need some information first. Just the basic facts - can you show me where it hurts?

  12. #27
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    And to think I grew up adoring and respecting women. It makes me sick that I ever held women in such high regard. When I was young I thought they deserved special treatment just because they were women. (And no, I wasn’t brainwashed into thinking this way.) If a man ever so much as insulted or harassed a woman, I was outraged, livid even. I thought he should be beaten with a baseball bat wrapped in rusty barbed wire till he burst open like a pińata. How dare anyone treat these precious angels as anything less than the goddesses they were!

    Then I grew up. Over the years whatever semblance of respect or admiration I once held for the Fair Sex has since been eroded by the attrition of THEIR OWN puerile, bitchy, and outright misandrist behavior. Their hatred and disgust for men is everywhere I turn. I experience it in Movies, TV, the News, Chat Rooms, YouTube, Blogs, and in Real Life.

    But now that I have been fully disillusioned by women, having been kicked in the crotch once too often for the horrendous crimes of being polite, minding my own business and drinking from a water fountain, I will never again view them as being anything but self-centered and conceited Protein Machines who view me as their mortal enemy for some strange reason unbeknownst to me. They are merely Biological Animals. They have no sympathy or compassion. No morals, no noble ambitions or a desire to evolve; either culturally, scientifically, spirituality or socially. They have no humanity, no soul. If you slight them in the least they act like vicious, wild animals and attack; if not physically then verbally, but with a sadistic glee that even animals don’t possess.

    Sure, some men are like that. Some men are evil. But they are vilified by the vast majority of good men who sooner or later come along and punish them. These evil men are not lauded with praise by men on TV or even in private. Good men don’t hide their righteous anger and contempt towards such pond scum.

    But it isn’t that so many women laughed and danced at this poor man’s misfortune that really upsets me. Okay, actually it is! But what pushed me over the edge is the fact that NO women have stood up and demanded these Hags be fired, or boycotted The Talk. If a group of male hosts had acted like despicable, spoiled brats on National TV and mocked a woman for getting her lady bits snipped off and ground up by her husband, because she dared to file for a divorce, you can guarantee that these men would not only have been fired, but would be stung up by a mob of angry women. That’s assuming that a mob of angry men didn’t beat them to it!

    I’ve heard stories like this for years, but this is the Last Straw! Thanks to women like those on The Talk and their audience and all the women who did nothing to show any support for poor Mr. Becker, I now have no sympathy, much less empathy, left in me towards Human Females.

    From now on I will give women what they claim to have always wanted. Equality! Ask any feminist and she will tell you that women want to be treated “JUST LIKE MEN”. Very well. If I see a woman getting beaten or raped I’ll point and laugh. That is how women treat men who are abused so I can only assume that this is how they desire to be treated when they are abused, because they wish to be treated “Just Like Men”. If millions of women are killed or raped or have their genitals and breasts mutilated, so what! I’ve been circumcised and no one cares. In fact, women prefer it that way. So I guess I prefer my women circumcised too. Women want to be treated “Just Like Men” after all. Labia are disgusting and should be snipped off and given to cosmetic companies so they can use them to
    make skin care products for men.

    Listen up women. From this day forward I will NOT help any woman ever again in any capacity. Why should I help someone who will turn around and degrade me at the drop of a hat? You women don’t help men so you must not want any help yourselves. You’re adults. You can take care of yourselves. Grow up! I will never mistreat a woman, but I refuse to treat you as human beings, since you do not treat me or other men as such and you also claim you want to be treated “Just like a man”, in other words, like a dog turd.

    Here’s my new policy toward human females: If I see a woman with a flat tire, or even bleeding in a ditch, I’ll ignore her and continue on my merry way. If a woman is attacked by a shark at the beach, I’ll stick my fingers in my ears so they won’t be hurt by the shrill sound of her screams. [The poor shark was hungry and is just eating another animal. Why should I care?] If a woman is being beaten by her husband next door, I’ll go over there and tell him to shut her up or I’ll call the cops! [For disturbing the peace of course. Yeesh! Can't you gag your wife before you beat her? How rude! I'm trying to watch TV, dammit!] If a woman is attacked by a stranger on the street, I’ll tip my hat and ask him to please wait until I pass so I don’t get my clothes splashed with gutter water if she happens to fall. If I’m hiking in the woods and come across an injured woman I will take her water bottle. [Hey, I'm thirsty and soon she won't be needing it anymore. I'd just better not forget to wipe away her nasty spit and sterilize it with alcohol. Women are discussing critters after all.] If I see a woman in a car wreck on some lonely road, I’ll slow down. [The road here must be slick. I don't want to crash myself.] If I see a woman die, I shall give thanks and praise that there is one less Man Hater in this world. And NEVER again will I give another penny to any cause, cancer research institute, or charity unless it benefits men and ONLY men.

    And if I hear a story in the News of a woman getting her Breasts cut off with Hedge Clippers or her clit ripped off with pliers by her irate husband, I’ll buy a bottle of Champagne to celebrate. [I don't know what she did, but she deserved it. Woo Hoo! A difigured woman puts a smile on my face, each and every time.] Of course I’m being facetious on this last point. It’s not like this will ever happen anyway, because men aren’t so evil and even if it did, no one would celebrate, especially me. Hey, I like feminine parts! Imagine that ladies, actually liking the opposite sex so much you wouldn’t harm their bits, even if they wanted a divorce. Something you animals can not comprehend, I know.

    There. Are you happy with your equality now women? I hope so. I can’t believe I used to love women so much. I still don’t hate women though. I just don’t want to have anything to do with you. You turn my stomach. If only I was gay. Too bad I’m not.

  13. #28
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    Brussels, Belgium
    Quote Originally Posted by vashti View Post
    Oh my God. Get a grip! One stupid woman doesn't warrant this kind of rage on your part. Did you see rant after rant after rant when Rush Limbaugh called a college girl a whore for wanting access to birth control?
    Fukk off. How fukking dare you? This isn't about the cunt who did that, really... It's about it being acceptable, promoted, "cool" to laugh at the man who suffered that heinous crime. We will laugh when your tits and vagine are cut off.

    Calling someone a whore is something different. He didn't drug the cunt and excise her vagina. And then bragged about it on a national TV show. And got praised for it.
    Last edited by Sixpacj; 14-04-12 at 03:14 AM.

  14. #29
    Join Date
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    A truly eye opening display.

    Women say they want compassion. Yet they do this?

    This is exhibit “A ” and will be known in history as the moment zeta warriors accepted their birth rite and renounced this madness of being kind to this despicable lot. And to hell with the traitorous pussymen who laugh and cuddle with this enemy in order to gain temporary favor. They aren’t men anyway… Unless their woman says so. **** that!

    Theses women have revealed themselves as greed personified. Ignorant ****ing monsters lacking any compassion to speak of unless it is granted toward them.

    I’ve been fired by women. A women claimed i touched her once when i tapped her on her shoulder at work getting other pussymen to rush to her defense. I have been set up by women. No more.

    **** them all and to hell with what they want.

    I was in a hospital over the weekend and a cunt nurse barely cared to even be courteous with me knowing full well i had kidney stones and was in major pain. The bitch practically ignored me when i asked for pain medication…


    From this moment on. I will not be chivalrous. No more. They have gotten all of the charity they will ever get from me.

    The love-shack is officially closed.

  15. #30
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    I’m coming into this a bit late, I realize, but the video of these shady bitches giggling in malicious glee at the prospect of a man’s dick being not only severed but so horribly sliced into tiny pieces that it could not be reconnected had me shaking with anger at the obvious hatred that is not only condoned, but applauded by the rest of the feminist and pussy-begging world. So much anger, in fact, that even a few days later when I saw the ‘apology’ these bitches tried to put out, it angered me further that there was NO sincerity in their voices or their expressions. There was only fear. Fear that if they did not make such an apology that their jobs would be on the line.

    I would have had these maniacally crude shysters imprisoned indefinitely for promoting hate speech and for making light the terrorizing horrors of a man who, at that point in time, needed nothing more than the support of anyone who would give it.

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