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Thread: So Confused!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2012

    So Confused!

    So me and my gf have been dating a little less than a year and everything was great until the last couple months. First me and my gf both go to different schools. Unfortunately my school is about 1.5 hrs away from hers. During the school year she was understanding that we weren't able to see each other except on the weekends (well from when I got out of class on thursday till monday). She works part time at a bank and i was, at the time, unemployed. And she sometimes got a saturday off where she would manage to come over to my apartment for the weekend. By the time it was for me to go over there she would start getting really antsy and sometimes even get mad at me if i didn't come over there in the middle of the week.

    Now that summer is approaching I got a job where I only have to work twice a week (mon & thurs) but I am now in between leases on apartments and had to move back into my parents house for a couple months. Now that i'm working i suggested i could drive over there and either spend mon-thurs or thurs-mon with her, which I don't think is an unreasonable time span to spend with/without her. Then she said things like, "I'm so mad/frustrated that i'll never get to see you this summer" or "this was not how summer with you was supposed to work" especially when she's going to be working more hours and taking a full load of summer classes. So now she wants me to somehow figure out how i'm going to be able to spend more time with her..and I don't have the most fuel efficient vehicle so i really don't want to be driving all of the time.

    So currently I've been staying with her the whole time and driving back so i can work then come back to her that evening. Then when she's at work i'm stuck hanging out in her apartment until she gets off of work. I've tried telling her that I'm not comfortable with living with her almost every day and I would like to have my own time without her. Sometimes she does cave and let me stay late and go out with my friends but then when i'm out she texts me constantly asking when I'm coming back/planning on leaving.

    Also along with this we have had numerous arguments about why I can't spend a weekend without driving over there so I can hang out with my friends(my friend have quit inviting me to hang out because the know i'll be out of town with her). She also calls me anytime she's not at work, in class, or busy doing something. Then every night she wants to Skype for hours(even leaving Skype call on while sleeping). Also she gets upset when i go home to go see my family even though she hangs out at her families house almost every night...

    When i'm with her everything seems perfect with her and I love her so much when it's like that, I just wish she understood that I still love her even if we're not together 24/7.. I just feel like some of this is unfair to me, and while i do want to see her I also feel like it shouldn't be unreasonable for me to want some of my own space.....some advice/opinions would be appreciated

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2012
    Really good chaos ah

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    She's really clingy. You should break up with her because this behavior is not going to ever stop. If you want to be with her, you must give up your life and forget who you are as an individual and live completely for her. So far you're doing a good job of it. I'm sure she's happier than ever.

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