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Thread: Should this bother me?

  1. #1
    ThisIsSuchAPity's Avatar
    ThisIsSuchAPity Guest

    Should this bother me?

    I think maybe I'm just being ridiculous, but my friends also thought this was a little odd. Anyway, my boyfriend's(well we are on a break for now, but still hanging out and stuff like that) two best friends are girls. And one of them is like my arch enemy. She's very two faced. The other girl i guess is ok. Never really talked to her much. Now this shouldn't bother me should it? It's normal for a guy to have girls as best friends right? I don't know why, but I just feel like I can't trust these girls. They are always all over him and it really bothers me. I would tell them to stop but nobody is supposed to know that there is anything between me and him.(please don't ask, long story) And what also irritates me is that he is always going over to their houses with like maybe two other people. And I know for a fact that the other people aren't around all the time. Great now I sound like a jealous person. But nothing else bothers me besides this. I guess I'm just wondering if it sounds like there is nothing to worry about, and if I'm just being paranoid and need to get over it?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2005
    GA, USA
    Why even get involved with a guy like this? Hes playing you girl lol...
    This should bother you... women have a 6th sense.. if you feel like something is wrong it most likely is... if his two "best friends" are girls... they are probably fooling around or something. If he knows you dont like the one, and he likes you, he wouldnt even be friends with this chick. Just leave it alone... move on to a better and real man.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Melbourne, Aus
    why are u guys on a break?

    Are there no prisons? Are there no workhouses? - The Ghost of Christmas Past

  4. #4
    ThisIsSuchAPity's Avatar
    ThisIsSuchAPity Guest
    You just had to ask didn't you Hussain? Well now you get to be tortured by the answer lol.
    He's a lot older than me. 17 and I'm only 14. It was just really hard to hang out or see each other. So we pretty much are on a break until he gets his liscense in a few months. This way we can see each other more often. I personally think it is kind of a stupid explanation but whatever. He promised me that we would get back together. But I'm not liking him too much lately so who knows if it will actually happen.

  5. #5
    ThisIsSuchAPity's Avatar
    ThisIsSuchAPity Guest
    Oh and now, I'm just really hurt. I was talking to him a little bit ago, and he keeps saying how he met a couple of girls last weekend when he was visiting his friend. And that he was talking to one of them on the phone that minute(i was talking to him on AIM) and that he had been talking to her for like 45 minutes. Ok like why does he have to tell me this?! It's not like I don't like him anymore, so what? Does he just figure that I'm alright if he rubs it in my face that he has been talking to a bunch of other girls? I don't care if he has friends that are girls but COME ON! He's getting freaking ridiculous. UGGGHH!
    I just...rrr. Whatever guess I need to tell him I really don't want to get back together anymore if he keeps this up.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2005

    Sorry to hear of the situation. I think that he could be playing you along. Afterall, as you said, you are younger than he is and it could have been that for him the relationship may have not meant as much to him as it did to you (but I dont know the full story of your relationship so I cant really pass judgement on that) however the part about no-one knowing your together does kind of put doubt in my mind about him, is that due to age issues or does he have something to hide?

    I don't know what to make of the other girls in his life. You say that they are all over him. If they are, it could be that they are the flirty type (however you would expect your b/f to discourage them from being like that around him) and so maybe he likes the attention he is getting. Of course I could be completely wrong, but I would be aware of this if I was you. Maybe you could discuss it with him and try to find out if something is going on with him and these two other girls, afterall, you do deserve honesty and even you said it was an ironic reason that you guys went on a temporary break until he gets his driving licence.

    I hope that everything does turn out the way you want it to, and if doesn't, keep your head up high, you'll find someone eventually who will treat you with the respect you deserve.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2005
    GA, USA
    Only date older when you get older...

  8. #8
    ThisIsSuchAPity's Avatar
    ThisIsSuchAPity Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by ALovelyLady86
    Only date older when you get older...

    I think I will take your advice from now on

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2005
    If you can't trust him, don't date him. Plain and simple.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    May 2005
    GA, USA
    Ya it is actually quite simple... there are so many wonderful people out there... surround yourself with this and you shall grow yourself..

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