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Thread: I threw up in front of him and he broke up with me.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2012

    I threw up in front of him and he broke up with me.

    I was seeing this amazing guy for 3 months. We were incredibly happy, really close and excited about our future together.

    We met online, and while he hasn't logged into his profile since the day of our first date, I had been logging in quite regularly due to my own insecurities (which I didn't share). In a previous relationship, I felt I took my profile down too soon, so this time I was waiting for him to make a commitment before I removed it. We had had conversations about this before, and I had told him that if he was uncomfortable I would take it down, but he insisted he wasn't. We also had an awkward period where we didn't speak much for around a week and he later told me he was 'cooling off' because he was afraid he was more deeply attached to me than I to him. We also had a drunken conversation shortly after where he told me he was terrified I would leave him for another guy.

    Anyway, last week it was my work Xmas party and a senior colleague who has been trying it on with me recently had called me for no apparent reason the same day. I was worried I would be vulnerable because we would be drinking later on and he has cornered me in the past, so I mentioned this to my guy.

    Anyway, later on I had a bit too much champagne in a very short time and ended up getting a cab back to his house. When I got there, I threw up - a LOT. All over myself, my dress etc. He obviously saw, but took me inside, put me in the shower, dressed me in his clothes and put me to bed with a bucket and a glass of water... He then cuddled me all night even though I had puke in my hair etc, and we slept together.

    After that, he was really off with me - he wasn't replying to my texts and cancelled plans we had made for Sunday night. He then asked me to meet up on Monday, when he told me that seeing me throw up had made him reconsider the relationship because he wasn't as attracted to me anymore, he thought I had gotten too comfortable and he felt that we had transitioned into being a couple too quickly instead of taking time to date more. He asked to take a 'step back' from the relationship, but I pushed him to explain what he meant and he said he was confused and didn't know what he wanted but that he 'wasn't feeling it right now.' He also cited me keeping my dating profile online and liking attention from other guys as reasons - he said I shouldn't need attention from other people when I had him.

    I'm still in complete shock and can't quite believe that this has happened - it literally ended so quickly and we were very much part of each other's lives - we talked every single day until we fell asleep and I really miss him. At this point I'm not sure what to do. Part of me thinks I should go NC and see if he comes back, but another part wants to explain my insecurities to him and see if we can make it work from there. We were so good together, and it seems a big shame to waste it.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2011
    You were'nt all that 'so much into each others lives' if you've only known him for three months so don't get yourself all bent out of shape about that. You showed poor judgement in going to his house instead of your own when you were in such a mess. I'm sure he wondered why you went there instead of home as well.

    This wasn't meant to be, if it was then you puking wouldn't end it. Hell, I puked ON my boyfriend (now husband for many years) when i had food poisoning and he didn't leave me.

    Thank him for being so honest with you because lots of men would have just done the fade on you or even kept you around for sex while they searched for a girl that was more compatible with them so; chalk this up to a life lesson and get back out there to look for someone else. You'll soon lose your disappointment once you start seeing other online prospects.

    It's okay.. you'll be fine.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    You've only known him for 3 months, no biggie. You will get over it. I too would be disgusted if a guy I dated only for 3 months puked all over because he decided to get drunk and couldn't handle his liquor and I had to baby him all night. It's one thing to get food poisoning and can not control it, and its another thing to get wasted and then show up at his house completely hammered, throw up and expect him to take care of you all night. I woulda shut the door and made you walk home in your puke dress.

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