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Thread: Ladies - Do you play "the game"?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2003

    Ladies - Do you play "the game"?

    Sorry if there's any overlap from previous posts... But I had an interesting conversation with a girl friend of mine tonight. We've come to a new level in our friendship where she admits all her "game" strategies that she uses with men. I guess I knew the game gets played, and I knew I've been an unwilling player with my S/O, but I was BLOWN AWAY by the science that this pal of mine has it down to. While I know realize "the game" covers a lot of territory, I was hoping you ladies could share your experience in the following areas:

    1. The telephone: Do you have rules about when/when not to call? Do you ever not answer on purpose to make your guy wonder? Is there a rule as to the number of days before you will call if you haven't heard from your guy?

    2. The internet: The same questions as above, but applied to the use of instant messengers. Will you say/talk about certain things through instant messages that you normally wouldn't?

    3. Nights out: Who asks out who? Any rules here?

    4. Baiting him: If you like him enough to want him around, but can't commit, will you bait him back with flirtation when you realize he's drifting from your circle of influence?

    5. Who pays for what: Let's say you're NOT interested in ever hooking up with him... Will you let him buy you drinks?

    6. Sex: Is it easier to sleep with an attractive stranger than a guy you care about so much it scares you?

    Thanks in advance ladies!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    I'd be interested to hear about number 6. Seems the answer is yes but I could be mistaken.
    Heit ist mein taug.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    in my own little cube of insanity.

    Re: Ladies - Do you play "the game"?

    1. The telephone: Do you have rules about when/when not to call? don't call if i'm with my friends. they are getting my attention then.
    Do you ever not answer on purpose to make your guy wonder? no
    Is there a rule as to the number of days before you will call if you haven't heard from your guy? no

    2. The internet: The same questions as above, but applied to the use of instant messengers. Will you say/talk about certain things through instant messages that you normally wouldn't? never had to deal with this

    3. Nights out: Who asks out who? Any rules here?
    personally if i have a bf and i want to go somewhere i'll ask. to me doesn't matter

    4. Baiting him: If you like him enough to want him around, but can't commit, will you bait him back with flirtation when you realize he's drifting from your circle of influence?
    never had this happen.

    5. Who pays for what: Let's say you're NOT interested in ever hooking up with him... Will you let him buy you drinks? hey if he offers i'm not passing up a free drink, but usually i'm a 50/50 girl.

    6. Sex: Is it easier to sleep with an attractive stranger than a guy you care about so much it scares you? um no!
    (question and answer of the day)

    why put on this macho thing?

    hello... why do you think they are the stronger species??? its the male ego. all have it. it's when they use it. lmao

    hell and they wonder why there are so many lesbians today.

    i think they all must of watched this movie in grade school while we watched that horrible "puberty movie" and theirs was "what to say to a girl....by men, for men"

  4. #4
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    everyone has thier own different set of standards that they live by. hate the game, not the player as people would say. raverboy
    ...this is just my perspective on the situation...

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Everyone plays some sort of game, whether they know it or not. It's natural. Human beings give off all sorts of nonverbal and verbal indicators to those they are attracted to and once they meet them for the most part they want to ensure that the whole experience is prolonged. If that means not calling so often then that's what we'll do. No harm in that. It's only when someone is playing games to hurt another that the term "game" becomes negative.

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