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Thread: Lost my girlfriend, lost my best friend, help?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2011

    Lost my girlfriend, lost my best friend, help?

    The story with my girlfriend is here:
    Just to save me some time and not have to re-type it. (Id love some advice on that too, please)

    Ive known my best friend since we were about 5 years old. In middle school she started to change. Throughout high school she was a rude bitch, very preppy, just one of those typical girls in high school, except she wasnt like that around me. She was always herself. Once she started treating me like shit, I didnt think much of it. I was upset, but shes got a rough home life. A few days ago, though, she screwed me over once again and that was just the straw that broke the camels back. I told her that I love and care about her, but she cant keep treating me this way, and hopefully she eventually get's her shit together and we can re connect. It was hard but I know it was the best for me.

    A few days later, this thing with my girlfriend, or, ex-girlfriend happens. I find that I lose friends for really harsh reasons. Wether its an argument, etc. Even though I know im not a bad person, and I know im a good person, it just makes me feel like im a terrible person. I try to be the best person I can be, yet I just cant help it, it brings me down. Has anyone else had this feeling? How did you guys cope?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2010
    The Greater New York Region
    I know the story. I get it. Here is the reality. Being a good person is the hardest and longest approach to life. But if you embrace the concept of quality over quantity, your life will be for the better. I used to think that it would just be easier to say screw it and be the dirtbag and succumb to the masses. And I tried. Boy did I try, but I couldn't sleep with myself or even look at myself in the mirror.

    The quality of your friends will bring you more happiness than you can imagine. You can always turn to those people. And very little can break that bond you develop. Of course everything is going to be over time. And sometimes you have to give time, time. Its cool to have lots of friends. But it gets old when they are not of quality and share those moments in life that only the tightly bound can truly comprehend. Don't worry about the women. There will always be a new adventure around the corner and eventually you will get the right one. Just remember, every relationship before the right one, fails. Don't sweat it. Learn from it.

    I personally sought refuge in cars and the military. Unfortunately for me, they became my life and I put them in front of women all together. Don't make my mistake haha. In other words, hobbies, groups, all the crap the rapists say...I mean therapists.
    Same song and dance.
    "Whats the weather like kid?" --- "Its always sunny in Hell."

    Third date! Can't stop fate. Its time to take this thing we got to the next level.
    SURPRISE showed up at your job again! I was thinkin' I wanna be everything to you.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2013
    D-town, Ohio
    Though I would not have worded it the same way as Mr.Turtle did, there is nothing but truth there. I have had so many issues with the guys and gals in my life that have called themselves my friends, it is unreasonable. The thing I did was not to let it hurt too much for too long. You love your friends then it is going to hurt! If it didn't hurt then you wouldn't have cared in the first place but I learned that if I you let it go, they come around again and you start off where you left off before things went sour. My best friend, a girl I grew up with started a fight with me over some loser she used to date started his mouth running and told her I said god knows what. The funny thing is I hadn't talked to him in YEARS. We didn't talk for a year or more and in that time she quit doing drugs, met a guy, and we started talking and now I have a god son and a new guy to pick on as my brother. Strange the way it works but if it's honest, it WILL work. Don't let it bother you. It can be hard, but a stiff upper lip and focusing on your own life is a great way to cope, you better yourself instead of letting it drag you down. : ) Hope that is helpful.
    “I was never really insane except upon occasions when my heart was touched.” ― Edgar Allan Poe

    Wish for a pile of shit to turn into gold hard enough and guess what? It's still a heaping pile of shit.

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