If you haven't seen my post from a little while ago, you should read it just to get a little background on what I said about my feelings of my girlfriend being with her guy friends: http://www.loveforum.net/threads/81013-A-Little-Jealous

Anyways, we're going to college in about two months. Five hours away from each other. Mine is an hour from our home town, hers is four. She even told me she won't be coming home that often. We've hardly..just barely discussed it. It's more than likely because we're afraid to discuss it.

I know we like each other more than either of us had imagined we would and I'd say it feels like love. But that's the thing. I am 99% sure it will end when we go to college because of my insecurity with her and her guy friends (refer to first post for this topic).

I'm just unsure of what to do. I hate thinking about it because it makes me sick to my stomach, literally. We have plans to do something just before we leave for college and if we discuss it now, I feel like it will end with "we're more than likely going to break up then, so let's just end it now". I sure hope that wouldn't happen, but I'm afraid of the possibility.

She's already away for a month for vacation and we're 2 weeks in (3 to go) and it's quite difficult. I'm managing fairly well, but going 2-3 months without seeing her? That might be impossible for me and I really feel like I'd just worry my a** off while at college because she's at college as well with who-knows-how-many-other-guys. And I realize this is a trust thing, but it's still very difficult.

Any advice with dealing with this from personal experience or of some other sort?