So I met an amazing women in early May of this year. In the beginning the sex was awesome. With in about 2.5 months things started to cool down at the same time we started telling each other we loved each other. As our love grew and more conversations were held about our feelings and emotions etc...the love got stronger.

Last night she explained to me that in the beginning it was just lust and now that she loves me and the more that loves grows she does not need sex to show love and if I want to have sex, she needs to really work hard to be into it and not feel like a piece of meat. Then she further explained that if we don't have sex and I watch porn to take care of things that's like I am treating the porn stars as a piece of meat which would be the same as treating her as a piece of meat. According to her, her body is always ready to go but her mind is in control and her mind does not need sex and only once in a long while its almost like and itch that needs to be scratched and if anything it gets in the way.

How do I explain to her its natural and she is not a piece of meat?

Thank you in advance!