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Thread: Does this boy like me

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2013

    Does this boy like me

    There was this guy who worked at me local Starbucks, both late teens.
    Started with hi/how are to remembering my name/order to giving me free drink and wifi passes.
    To small talking with me about tv shows/uni

    Then started staring at me for about 20-30secs only notice cuz I would look up from my drink look down then look again 30secs later and he would still be staring even when he was really busy.

    At first I though he was just being friendly but none of his other guy workmates did any of that.

    Then one sunday I went and heard him talking to some people saying that it was he last day to day and he was leaving to join the army.

    I was ging to wish him luck but didn't get the chance.

    I know where not like friends or anything but he has worked their for about 2years so though he would of a least said I'm leaving soon or something.

    Then a few weeks later I was on Facebook looking for a friend and came across his page it was closed so decide to add him never thinking he would accept.

    I've liked a few of his status, but he's never said a word to me/like any of my stuff even when I posted about our fav tv show almost like he never knew me.

    Haven't seem him since he left like 2-3months ago.

    Then I went down to day with my parents/grandparents, when into order and saw him sat their on his phone I smiled as I walked passed and he just sort of stared at me.

    Then a few mins later his guy friend came and they went and sat on the beach, then about 30mins later I went in side to get something and saw him and his friend sat their chatting he didn't see me.
    I was sat outside so looked up 5mins later and he was staring right at me, then I would look up ever so ofter and he would still be staring as he was talking to his guy friend.

    He never smiled at me but sort of stared/gazed at me

    Did he ever like me/still likes me and why would he complete stop talking/ignore me

    I did/do like him too, but never said anything as I wasn't sure if he was just being friendly.

    He's still single and straight, hasn't left for the army yet not even sure if he's still going.

    Also says on facebook that he's not into partying drink ect and would rather spend time at home with family.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2013
    Hi, have you ever thought he might just be too shy to talk to you? Next time you see him, he'll probably stare at you again so you should go see him and ask him why does he stares at you all the time without ever talking to you. Be nice, but show him you're determined. He's probably going to be shocked during the first seconds, but he'll have to say something. Then you'll see by yourself if he's interested or not!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    FB is not the best way to communicate about things like feelings. Not everybody is addicted to it. Don't put too much stock in anything that happens in that virtual world.

    I agree he may be shy. You would probably have the answers to your Qs if you had had the courage to go over & say hello to him. Next time you see him, you make the first move if he doesn't. It doesn't have to be grand. Just smile & say hi. Welcome home? How's the army? see where the conversation goes from there.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    He might be really shy and uncomfortable with the whole situation. Try and talk to him, that is the best way to gauge someones interest. However the facts you are supplying don't make the very best case. Don't look too much into this, though! Not everyone expresses themselves well online. Try and face him!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    Sounds like he is shy. Just be friendly when you see him in person as online seems stalkerish.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by sophie56578 View Post
    There was this guy who worked at me local Starbucks, both late teens.
    Started with hi/how are to remembering my name/order to giving me free drink and wifi passes.
    To small talking with me about tv shows/uni

    Then started staring at me for about 20-30secs only notice cuz I would look up from my drink look down then look again 30secs later and he would still be staring even when he was really busy.

    At first I though he was just being friendly but none of his other guy workmates did any of that.

    Then one sunday I went and heard him talking to some people saying that it was he last day to day and he was leaving to join the army.

    I was ging to wish him luck but didn't get the chance.

    I know where not like friends or anything but he has worked their for about 2years so though he would of a least said I'm leaving soon or something.

    Then a few weeks later I was on Facebook looking for a friend and came across his page it was closed so decide to add him never thinking he would accept.

    I've liked a few of his status, but he's never said a word to me/like any of my stuff even when I posted about our fav tv show almost like he never knew me.

    Haven't seem him since he left like 2-3months ago.

    Then I went down to day with my parents/grandparents, when into order and saw him sat their on his phone I smiled as I walked passed and he just sort of stared at me.

    Then a few mins later his guy friend came and they went and sat on the beach, then about 30mins later I went in side to get something and saw him and his friend sat their chatting he didn't see me.
    I was sat outside so looked up 5mins later and he was staring right at me, then I would look up ever so ofter and he would still be staring as he was talking to his guy friend.

    He never smiled at me but sort of stared/gazed at me

    Did he ever like me/still likes me and why would he complete stop talking/ignore me

    I did/do like him too, but never said anything as I wasn't sure if he was just being friendly.

    He's still single and straight, hasn't left for the army yet not even sure if he's still going.

    Also says on facebook that he's not into partying drink ect and would rather spend time at home with family.

    It's hard to know if he liked you or not since you did not talk to him that much. I think maybe he was a little shy and so were you. I think maybe next time you see him go up to him first and just start talking to him and try getting to know him more and see how he reacts.
    Good luck with everything xoxo

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Try taking the initiative and striking up a conversation yourself. Be friendly. Best that happens is it breaks the ice and opens doors for more interaction, worst is that you've had a friendly conversation with your local (former) starbucks barista. Seems like you can't lose!

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