Your Every Day Habits Are Broadcasting Your Hidden Fears by Lisa Jimenez, M.Ed.

Loud and Clear

The first step to your breakthrough is to listen to what you say and watch what you do on a daily basis. These habits of behavior are very reflective to what you believe and what you fear.

If you say one thing…
"I want to have an intimate relationship."
"I want to become a director."
"I want to become top sales person."
"I want to lose weight and get fit."

But your behaviors reveal a different message…
"You instigate an argument."
"You lose an important phone number or misplace a file."
"You procrastinate on doing the very things that will ensure your success."
"You consistently hit the snooze button or you find things that must be done instead of hitting the gym."

These self-sabotage behaviors occur when there is a discrepancy between what say you want and what your behaviors prove you want. These behaviors can turn into habits if they are not addressed and stopped. They are a reflection of your fears caused by negative beliefs you have toward your goals.

So, did you think about what fears are keeping you from your goals? Evaluate your behaviors – your daily habits – and notice the connection between sabotage behavior and your hidden fears. How is sabotage keeping you safe from facing and eliminating your fears?

Expose Hidden Fears by Evaluating Sabotage Behavior and Bad Habits!

Have a great day!
Lisa Jimenez M.Ed.

"Helping people breakthrough hidden fears and self-limiting beliefs to live a more outrageous, faith-filled life."