Ok, I apologize for the length of this, but to get advice I need to tell the whole story. About 2 weeks ago this guy instant messaged me on AIM and I found out that he had gone to my school back when I was in 9/10th grade. He had moved after 10th to a different school district and he lives in that area today. (We are both 20 btw) Anyways we started talking and we hit it off. We planned on hanging out for the first time on a Sat. (it was Tues. when we started talking), but then we talked on that Wed. and decided I would come and visit him that night. Well we automatically fell for each other and starting seeing one another everyday.

Things were sooo perfect, I couldn't be happier. He was so nice to me, constantly calling, leaving me messages on AIM when I was at work, and saying nice things. He got along very well with my family. Hangs out with me and my siblings all the time!! And my family adores him and they are always saying how you can tell how much he likes me. (They never say that) I just got an apartment and he has planned his schedule so he can come and stay everyother day because I live alone and that way I won't be lonely! He even cooked me dinner and told me that he would cook for me because I would be too tired when I got home from work. (Eventhough he had school and work as well)

Then we went to the fair together and on one of the rides he told me he was falling in love with me. Things couldn't have seemed more unreal. I've been through a lot of tough relationships over the past few months, so I was a little worried that things were going too good. But I pushed my worries aside the best I could and tried to be happy.

Well, he knew that I am the type of girl who doesn't believe in sex before marriage. It is a strong religious believe of mine. (Although I have done other stuff so I am not totally innocent) Anyways, he told me he was fine with this and that he had waited 19 years to have sex, that he could wait a couple of more. (He is not a virgin btw) So anyways, I tried to think he was fine with it and kept going along. So a week passed and then the second one started and this is where things start to get a little strange. A couple of nights ago we were fooling around and things started to get pretty intense. (I had to stop things) Anyways he proceeded to say that he loves me very much and that he is really holding himself back. Well I got kind of upset and he said that even though he wants to, he won't b/c he respects me and stuff.

Anyways, after we had that conversation he started getting kind of distant. He still hung out with me and stuff but he just didn't seem to be the same person. He stopped saying I love you and he stopped caring the way he did at the begging. So to test him I brought back up the subject of sex. Even before I could say what if we did, he said that he would never ever let me sleep with him and not to worry he was ok with that. He also told me that he would never leave me, so not to worry.

Things still didn't look any better. I came home the other night upset about it and my sister was talking to him so she asked him what was up b/c he seemed upset. He said she wouldn't understand but she got him to explain and he said that he wasn't going to have much time coming up b/c he had work, lacrosse, school, and me. Well my sister asked him if I was getting in the way and he said no not at all and asked her if I thought that. My sister said no, it just seemed that way. Then he went on to tell her that it was school and he was worried about that (he had a rough past semester and the classes he is taking now are the ones he couldn't pass before)

Last night we were unable to hang out but he called me. We only talked on the phone for about 10 mins. before he said that he wanted to get online and asked me if I would be on. Well I couldn't get on b/c my sister was on so she let me IM him under my sn. I started talking to him but he wasn't really talking so I got upset and told him I was going to bed. Then, almost like he knew I was upset, he said I miss you and sleep tight. So I don't know where that came from. Then today I looked at my buddy list and he was just signing off and he didn't leave me a message. And he always does.

I tried talking to him last night about it but again he said nothing was wrong. Then he was talking about how we haven't hung out in a week and said it was good b/c we have seen eachother almost everyday since we started dating. So maybe that is it.

So I don't know. Is he worried about school and that is distracting him, is it the sex thing, is it something else??? I just can't figure it out. He is always talking about marriage and stuff and now it seems like he wants to break up with me. I like him so much, I really need help on this one. I don't know what to think. Message me or let me know, please!