I just turned 17 and my girlfriend is 15. We've been together about a year and a half and I have to say that only recently has it stopped feeling like a struggle. At first it was awkward then she brought her friends to literally everything, then she didn't pay attention to my feelings about her smoking weed which at the time I had a big problem with. I was pretty depressed because of her, and it was affecting everyone around me without me noticing. Now that all those problems are gone it's a real relationship, but the problem is that we oppose each others views on mostly everything. I have a tremendous sex drive and am pretty kinky but she's plain old vanilla. At least oral is still in the equation, but we don't have sex nearly as much as what would stop frustrating me, and she will never make any moves, just wait for me to. Surprisingly enough for you reading this, I can tolerate all that. It's been confusing recently in that I've noticed an emptiness in me that just seems to grow. I write stories and I feel like it's more than escaping reality, it's wishing for something more beautiful. I often just fantasize about this and that but when I think or reality it seems so dull. I feel alone and it's an emptiness that she doesn't seem to be able to fill. I feel like I'm waiting for someone to excite and surprise me, and otherwise be out there. I don't think I can break up with my current girlfriend because I can't stand the thought of her being with someone else, that has to mean something right?