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Thread: Why are there singles?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2014
    New York

    Why are there singles?

    Hi FOLKS! I'm new on here, and my account is just 2hrs old. I purposely joined this site, because I'm the Editor of a 100% FREE Dating Magazine for all the Singles on the planet, and I wanted to meet new people especially College and Non-College Singles, and learn their views and opinions on different aspects of the Singles' World. Thank people.


    Why does it seem like the word single seems like a death sentence? Why do people feel that being in a relationship is the only way to be? I asked you, instead of looking at being single as something that is non-desirable, why don't you look at your singleness in a different way.
    I cannot tell you how many times I have seen people go into a relationships, knowing that it is not right, knowing that the person is not right, and stay in the relationships all for the sake of not wanting to be alone. If you are never alone then how on Earth are you going to know what it is that you do want out of a relationship when you get in one?

    If I confuse you when I say this, then how about let’s look at it like this. If you are always jumping from one person to the next. Never getting a chance to understand what it is like to be alone then, how are you going to know what it is that you like.
    The opportunity to be single is an opportunity to get to know yourself a little bit more. It is a chance to be alone with your own thoughts so that you can say to yourself "this is what I am looking for" versus "this is what I am not." You see so many people jump from relationship to relationship that they never stop to think what is going wrong in the relationships that they are in, and they never learn how to fix it. As a result, the person keeps making the same relationships mistakes with the same type of person, and then they wonder why their relationships always ends up in the same space (not working).

    The reason why is because sometimes we just need to be alone. We need to be single and we need to have a moment where we can just hear our own voices in what we need out of a relationship without another person in our ear, telling us what is best.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    Surrey, BC
    Duplicate post.

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