When I first saw you all I wanted to do was help you. You were always so sad. I did help and you responded. Then something happened to my heart because once you started to smile I started to fall for you. Your smile lights up the sky. I knew you where with someone else but they left you to fall apart. So I built you up made you well and fell even farther in deep for you. But then you got better and I started to push to hard and that just made you walk away. Now I'm alone and miss you so much. I see you every day and wish you would see all the value i was to you. You always trust the wrong people and I pick u up. I want to scream at you PICK ME PICK ME. Find me your diamond. Realize I'm the healthy good choice. Instead I smile at you and pretend all is well while I cry inside. I cry because even when I try I cannot get you out of my heart. I will Love you forever. If only you could love me.