Hi everybody,

I'm new to this forum although I have been reading quite a lot of advice so I'd like some myself right now.
I have been in a relationship with my boyfriend now for 8 months.
We started out in a very relaxed and carefree way, enjoying ourselves, being attracted to one another, but there was never really a spark.
We both told each other quite early on that previous very passionate relationship gave us much grieve and hurt and we both weren't looking something that blew our socks off so to speak.
I did fell in love with him though, and we are still together, we have been inseparable ever since last summer, spend every day together and until now it hasn't grown old yet.
He's very committed to living with me, being with me, spending time and so on.
However, I question (not out loud) his love for me on a daily basis and it kind of is starting to wear me out.
I have mentioned this to him only a couple of times, that I'm afraid he's not in love with me, or not enough and that he will end up leaving me for somebody that doés blow his socks off and his answer is that that could always happen, being crazy in love with me or not, that that is just life.
Very rational and true, but not the answer I was looking for.
You see, he doesn't look at me like somebody who longs for me you know?
He doesn't do spontaneous little acts of 'being in love' like holding my hand, saying something sweet, or even initiate sex lately.
We do cuddle a lot, he sometimes buys me a gift (spontaneously), he tries to make me happy, always includes me in his plans and so on.
He has a little girl and we spend a lot of time together with her also.
I just don't know if I'm doing myself right with this relationship, which I can honestly do call a very good relationship.
He's never been disrespectful, he is good to me and good for me and I've never been in a relationship that has proceeded at this consistent pace without as little as one fight. We only had one fall out late november because of me saying for the first time that I didn't think he loved me enough to live together already, after which he went to stay at his place a couple of days, talked to his mom about it apparently very positively and he came back being even more committed to make it work.
I'm just growing more insecure about him leaving me one day for somebody he will fall madly in love with.
What do I do?
Just accept that this man is not the kind of man who displays his feelings (he says he just isn't that type of guy) and believe that he genuinly wants to be with me, or does he 'settle' for me and one day he'll be gone.
It would break my heart so badly, also because previous relationships I got severely cheated on, been lied to and been badly disrespected.
I don't know if I should let this man go because I'm afraid he will get bored or if I have to believe him at face value that he does love me, he just doesn't say or do anything remotely close expressing it other than being supportive and loyal..

Any insight would be much appreciated so thanks in advance!