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Thread: Marrying your first boyfriend/girlfriend

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2013

    Marrying your first boyfriend/girlfriend

    What do you guys think/feel about getting married to your first relationship after dating for less than a year?.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Too soon. Because its the first. You still dont know whats out there and everything is new for you. I would say spend at least 2 years living together. Dating doesnt mean you know the person fully because living together is a whole new thing.
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  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2014
    Speaking from past experience, it really comes down to how old are you. If its your 1st relationship and you are 18 years old it wouldn't be a great idea. Reason being is that you are growing as a person. between the ages of 18-25 you change so much and you grow out of your skin and really develop as an adult. If its your 1st love and you are over 25 then its not a bad idea. I do feel that you get to know more about how a person is when you live with each other. Maybe you should try and move in with each other for about 6-8 months and at that point you can see if the relationship is strong enough for marriage.

    Best of Luck!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2013
    Your Worst Nightmares
    It really depends, though in general I definitely think you need to at least be together for a few years before getting married. The first year in most relationships tends to be pretty great. You need time to make sure it isn't just that whole "honeymoon stage" and that you two actually are compatible. It doesn't matter if it is your first relationship, or relationship # 2578. You should never rush into something like marriage. Heck, these days even people who take their time and are 100% sure sometimes still wind up getting divorced. So, you surely don't want to rush a decision like that. Not that you should take years and years and years either. It just certainly shouldn't be within one year of being in a relationship.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    I agree. There is no need to rush it. Why not live together first for a year or two and see how you both feel then. I do believe first loves can/do work. Im with mine almost 6 years. But I think you should go slow. Id give you the same advice if this was your third relationship. It takes more than a year to really know and love someone

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2014
    Way too soon. I'd wait until your relationship were at 2.5 years old.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    Depends on how old and how established you are in your life. Are you done your education? Can at least one of you support a family? If you two are capable of being on your own (without guardian or parental oversight) then its fine. If you two weren't friends before you started dating and you dated less than a year, then you might want to wait for the one year mark. But there really isn't really set standards on how long you need to know each other because how much you know someone isn't measured by the length of time. It is measured by how proactive you are at knowing someone, how often you talk/see each other, and most of how it depends on how you truly feel! Good luck!

    In terms of marrying your first boyfriend/girlfriend. That is fine. Many couples stayed together for a long time and it was their first. Some couples have dated many people but have a hard time staying committed. It really depends on your own values and how you feel about the other person.
    Last edited by fearoflove; 28-08-14 at 02:30 PM.
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