Okay so I know this guy through family friends and we are both in high school and only a grade apart, and we see each other at parties all the time. I never really considered him until I just recently found out that he has had a crush on me for awhile. I actually think he is pretty cute but I guess I never considered him bc I thought him and my friend (who comes with me to the parties a lot) had a thing so I kinda never bothered. But we have been texting a lot and he messaged me saying that he liked me, and I think I may be starting to like him too. The only thing is, Idk if I fully like him yet and I don't want to lead him on by texting him back if I still don't know. Also, the whole situation is kinda weird because I feel like I don't even know him that well and I'm just nervous as to why he seems to like me so much.... I guess I'm just unsure about him and I need to know how to not lead him on while getting to know him more at the same time.

Also another really big thing is, how do I know if I actually like him for him, or if I just like the attention I am getting? I always have trouble distinguishing this and it has gotten me in trouble in the past (not so good relationships).. I seriously have a lot of trouble telling the difference but i don't want to make THAT mistake again of just liking someone bc they like me. Lastly, he went out with this really weird girl a while ago and and I'm worried about his judgement bc he went out with her.. Would u date someone who dated someone really weird in the past? I'm not trying to be judgmental I'm just being honest and that has been worrying me a little bit too.

Another issue is I really don't want to lead him on but I feel like I may have given him the wrong idea last night.. When he told me he liked me I told him that idk if i like him yet bc this all happened really fast, and but I have always thought that he was really cute. He was also flirting with me and i kind of flirted back which i now regret it bc again, i don't want to lead him on.... i think i might have given him the wrong idea by telling him he is really cute but i was just being honest..

I just need some good advice and any help will be greatly appreciated so thanks in advance