I want to tell her that lately I've been falling for her and thinking about her a lot more and I want to ask her if she sometimes likes me more than a friend but I dont know if I should because I feel like I'd make her feel awkward and push her away from me to the point where she won't want to talk to me or hang out with me anymore. I met her a year ago but moved out of state temporarily and we've kept contact by phone but I'll be moving back quite soon and the past few weeks we've been talking about much deeper shit with each other and I feel like she is becoming more comfortable talking to me about stuff and her issues with an eating disorder she has. On tuesday we talked for a little over an hour and I felt closer to her than I have ever felt before...she confides in me a lot like a female friend does to her best male friend which I think is kind of a sign that she only likes me as a friend. After that Tuesday talk I texted her Wednesday (yesterday) telling her "ya know I really enjoyed talking to you yesterday and i feel like lately we've become a lot closer to each other and I love it! I hope you're being safe and taking care of yourself and i look forward to talking to you very soon!" She replied 20 minutes later texting me "thanx i really appreciate ur friendship. speak to you soon!" I don't know what to take from that it felt like that made her somewhat awkward so she didn't want to be like "ya i feel closer to you too" because like i said i think she only views me as a friend. So like I want this girl in my life but i have deep feeling for her and like i said i want to tell her but im afriad she will say she justs likes me as a friend and it would make her feel awkward push her away and never having the same relationship again so what do yall think i should do?