I've got a child with a clinically depressed woman who isn't thinking rationally.
She complains of having to watch the kids and not being able to work.
I have one child with her. He's a baby. She's got an autistic child from a previous relationship who is a decade older then our baby.
She's hasn't worked a full time job in over a decade or since having her oldest son.
Yet she acts like its my fault she can't work, and often comes at me very angry. To resolve this issue my mom volunteered to watch her oldest child from her previous relationship and our baby so she can work and begin to order her life, but she refused my moms offer by saying she doesn't want anyone else raising her kids. She doesn't realize she been irrational. She's very angry that her oldest child is special needs. I've seen her display anger towards other kids who are non special needs and their parents. Her jealousy is noticeable, and unhealthy.
I know her and her ex husband have been on extremely hard drugs and drank a lot of alcoholic drinks. At the end of the day, she shouldn't have married someone on hard drugs with a serious drinking problem. I really do love her, but her past issues aren't my problem. I accept her son, but I don't accept her treating me bad because he's autistic. She acts we in the world are the cause of this. She drinks heavily because of this fact. She even selfishly thinks she should go back to the older child's father because it would be better for him. Her younger child is my child. She's got a drinking problem and her ex has got one that is much worst then hers. He's been arrested for DUI's. Some of them were with his family ( my child's mother and their child aka " my child's mothers oldest child " )
She doesn't understand the younger child aka " the baby" will be fully aware of the drinking and drugs... And how it won't be a healthy environment .. She thinks because she's white American and southern she will have the upper hand in the south where we live. Her parents will help her play on the " poor white woman who is a good mother" and me " the black man making things up about a good devoted mother of an autistic child and a baby"... I would of never dated this woman had I known she had clinical depression ( or bipolar as it runs in her family) and had I known she blames God and the world for her son being autistic. Had I known she hates non autistic kids. She tries to prevent me from seeing my children from a previous marriage. Seems it's because she's upset that her special needs child doesn't have a normal childhood so she wants to prevent my oldest kids from having one too. She talks in away that is disrespectful to me in front my my kids, and yet she doesn't understand why I don't bring them around her anymore. I won't even let them sleep over. Why ? Because she's cursed me out in front of them. She also tries to oppose me in front of them.
She demands all my time. She tries to talk to me when I pray. She gets upset if I don't answer her. She tries to kiss me when I pray. I go into my closet to pray now. She stands at the door knocking and yelling my name, and won't stop until I answer. When I respond she says, " I just wanted to know what you were doing" ... I've told numerous times when I go into the closet and lock the door that I'm praying. There's so much yet she thinks she's innocent. She thought it was okay to tell me when to go to bed. She fells a couple needs to go to bed together, and wake up together. Plus it would be based on when she wakes up and goes to bed, not when I do. She doesn't think that's controlling at all,..