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Thread: He says one thing but does another?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2014

    He says one thing but does another?

    So there's a guy I met a few months ago at my last job (We both worked in a mall. He's a security guard and I was a sales associate.)We became closer overtime after hanging out frequently and eventually things started to get a little sexual between us. He called/texted me almost everyday as well which also made us bond more. What I noticed about him is that if there are things I have to take care of he takes it simply as I don't want to be bothered with him which isn't the case. Another thing he acts really immature in certain situations. Kind of like a 5 year old.(Even though he's like 25.)There was a time where I didn't text him in four days and we got into a huge argument over it. He claimed that I didn't care about him and I only wanted to talk to him when I felt like it and that I was treating him like a toy. He also claimed that I was talking to other guys (he's been accusing me of this day by day even though I wasn't.) just by looking at how many likes I had on my pictures on instagram, which I found pretty dumb. I noticed he obsessed over my instagram. He was always on it and actually screen capped a picture and sent it to me. (he probably screen capped more without me knowing but I'm not really sure) He also use to take pictures/videos of me unexpectedly which creeped me out a little. We never really established if we were together. I guess he just assumed that we were.

    At the time, I was having a ton of family issues so that was the only thing I was focused on but obviously he didn't understand. He just took it the way he wanted and didn't have any consideration of how I felt. Things became awkward between us after that until a few days later he texted me and said "We shouldn't talk anymore. We should move on with our lives." I noticed he did this about 3-4 times previously throughout the relationship and came right back so I didn't know if he was serious or not. I saw him again after that when I went to work. I walked passed him and pretendend he wasnt there. It obviously got him mad because I think he expected me to walk up to him. (judging by the way he was staring at me.) He instantly unfollowed me on instagram afterwards. After that day, we didn't talk anymore. He just kept staring off and on. The following week, I went back to my job to resign. ( The manager had a personal issue with me and made my hours suffer for it.) I had a friend who worked there and I told her about the situation between me and the guy. She told me that I should go up to him to clear up a few things. I was contemplating about doing it at first but since I had feelings, I ended up doing it. I wanted to know his reason for why he stopped talking to me (although I was the one who stopped it. Confusing I know.) When I went up to him we had a normal conversation but when I bought up the situation, he was pretty quiet and just told me that his reason was that he didn't have time to talk to anyone because he had a lot going on in his life and that I had too much family drama. He walked away from me shortly after that and just said "I guess I'll see you around."

    We didn't talk for a whole month after that until this past Sunday I got a message from him through Skype. He sent me a period. I assumed it was just a mistake until I got another message about 15 minutes later with 2 periods. What? It completely confused the hell out of me. I didnt even bother replying to it. Yesterday, I went back to the mall (after not going there for a while since I left my job.) to do some shopping and out of curiosity to see what this guy would do. I saw him and he was staring and smiling at me. I kept walking and didn't say a word. Later that day, I get a Skype call from him. He called about 4 times. I ignored it at first but then decided to call back to see what he wanted to talk about. When we talked, he acted like nothing ever happened between us. I tried bringing it up but he kept avoiding it. He was talking to me about what he was going through and said that he was happy that he was talking to me. Then he had the nerve to ask me if I still had his number. Why would I keep someone's number after they told me that they didn't want to talk anymore?? I was pretty much silent throughout it all and was extremely confused. Why is he doing this? It just doesn't make sense. Any advise you guys can give me?
    Last edited by UnknownAngel; 14-11-14 at 05:47 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Red Flags everywhere there lady. Hey, when it's the right kinda match, none of this game playing will even happen. Sounds to me like this guy is minor stalker material already so if i were you, I'd count my blessings and move on.
    Don't get wrapped up in someone who is displaying very controlling personality traits.
    Remember, when it's right, there will be no games.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2014
    Interesting story you tell there!

    For whatever reason, he obviously wants to have some contact with you again. Maybe he has feelings or maybe it is purely sexually driven.

    Based on what you are saying, his personality seems very unstable. Second, if this guy was really in love with you and respected you, he would not threat you this way over time (Sometimes boys and even men can be childish when they like someone, but these seems to much...). Third, taking pictures and videos like you told doesn't seem like a very "normal" behavior for most people.

    Personally I don't recognize this behavior, but my interpretation is that this guy will mostly bring emotional instability and insecurity (guess you don't want that if you still have family issues. I also have a strong feeling that his motivation is or obsessive (just because he has a goal to achieve) or sex driven...
    Love and relationship guidance- www.cupidious.com

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2011
    You both treated one another with immaturity and one-up-manship. Love is not what you two have going on and the reason he sent you a period and then two periods was to see whether or not you blocked him and to get back into your head in case you were forgetting about him. You left a door open for him to walk through for more sex and that's about it.

    Stop the nonsense you have going with him and tell him outright to quit bugging you and to not bother contacting you anymore. They're is no love lost or to be found with him so quit keeping him in your life. Block and delete him from being to contact you electronically and don't bother looking for him when you're in the mall. Its the best thing you could do for yourself and your addiction to having his attention.
    “The willingness to accept responsibility for one’s own life is the source from which self-respect springs.” ~Joan Didion

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