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Thread: hubbysays dick is too sore from masturbating too hard while out of town 4 days ago

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2012

    hubbysays dick is too sore from masturbating too hard while out of town 4 days ago

    what would you think if your husband tells you on Sunday that his dick is still sore because he was too rough jacking off in his hotel room Wednesday?

    He's been known to cheat and go to stripper bars, but that's been in the past, and I'm trying hard not to let my suspicious mind wander. But - really?!? 4 days later and his dick is sore just from masturbating - we've been together 15 years and this has never ever been mentioned before, and at times both of us have traveled in our jobs.

    Am I reading too much into this, or do you think this is a real possibility?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2014
    Seeing as how he has cheated in the past, I would be super suspicious. If he was raw-dogging it (masturbating without lube), then he really could have rubbed it raw. However, most any hotel offers complimentary lotions in the room, so I seriously doubt this. Plus, who masturbates so hard that, four days later, their dick is still raw??? I think NOT. Honey, I would seriously start doing some snooping to find out what he is doing. It's not that hard to check his phone, check his email, etc. Hell, if you have to, check his phone carrier account to see what numbers he's texting and calling. Normally, I would tell you not to do this and just stay out of his business, but since he's cheated on you before, you have the right to confirm your suspicions or find out that there is nothing to worry about. It was HE who broke your trust in the first place, and therefore, you have every right to find out if it's happening again. Don't ask others for their (or our) opinions; just start doing research yourself and find out.

    I am so sorry that you have to go through this. I've had this happen to me before, although different circumstances. It's always heartbreaking. Prayers. <3

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