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Thread: Please Help

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2015

    Please Help

    Here is my predicament, I have a friend of mine whom I recently became reacquainted with late last year. We were friends 5 or so years ago but I went to a different school for awhile and lost contact with most people until recently when I came back. We immediately clicked and it felt like no time had passed. I had sensed some interest on her part but played it cool as I didn't want to jump the gun, she then met another guy and started getting involved with him. We are both on a sports team for school and we talked regularly at practices during winter break, we got back to school last week and she didn't seem to be involved with the other guy. We started talking and hanging out more during the couple periods we have together and then after practice. She became a little more flirtatious ther past few days. On Friday we spent about an hour after practice which isn't normal as she usually left right after practice. Yesterday was interesting as she came to sit with me during an assembly, I ended up getting called up to take part in an activity in front of people (she made a few comments on it later in the day, laughing and what not). During the two periods together she was very bubbly and kept asking me my thoughts on the way she looked. During practice she asked me a question about an aircraft I was looking at (I'm a pilot) and then proceeded to tell her friends what I do and brought up details about a flight I took last month and what I brought back for her. After practice she stayed after again and we talked more. She brought up that she is buying dresses for upcoming events and senior prom, I told her that I handnt been before and she said that she hadn't either and this would be her first time, though she mentioned a couple guys she had turned down previously. She kept giggling and acting bubbly while we hung around tossing a ball between us. Today she was more quiet during the periods and then we talked a little during practice and while I waited with her for her ride. But she brought up the guy she had been involved with last year, saying she didn't want things to be weird between them and that she felt he was jealous at her flirting a little with a guy in front of him. I know this is a long read but I just want a little advice if she is into me at all or what to do. We have a good amount in common and I could talk to her for a good while since she is intelligent and has a great personality....and she is different from the other girls I have gone out with, if that makes any sense.

    I realized I missed an opportunity to ask her to prom so I was dead set on trying to bring it up today somehow. Today I went to go talk with her during lunch but she was talking with some mutual friends of ours about an upcoming event we are doing. During the conversation, she randomly brings up some guy who she is thinking of asking out (her friends began making jokes about their perspective relationship, she just laughed saying if it even lasts that long) and again about her flirting with another guy. This caused me to freeze up and abandon my course, literally excusing myself and leaving the room. Then she was back to being friendly and giggly on our way to practice after school.

    I am just not sure what to do and am not good at maneuvering through the chase and games (if these are games). I just really like this girl and don't want to regret sitting on the sidelines when she was actually interested. I have never been a player of ladies man, but this girl is someone I would fight for...as she is worth it.

    Any help would be great.
    Last edited by Captain Obvious; 23-01-15 at 07:31 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    Surrey, BC
    Nothing will happen if you don't take risks. Just ask her out, if she says no, oh well, ask someone else. Just because you like this girl doesn't mean she is going to feel the same way. That is why you should never invest your feelings in a girl you are not in a relationship with. She has to earn your heart, you don't just give it away. You shouldn't have to "fight" for her.....no girl wants that. Girls don't like being worshiped or put up on a pedestal. Grab some balls man.

    Confidence wins the girl. If you can't just ask her out, you will never get the girl. You can't let fear get in the way.

    Guys that win are guys who don't worry about if the girl likes them or not, they just go for it without even thinking about it.

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