Will my ex ever come back?! My ex and i were together for a year. We were eachothers first love and he was at my house everyday and stayed most nights, we even went on holiday together. It was a strange soul mate connection we had we were best friends and from the moment we met we knew it was destiny.. Time started to pass and i ended up being really jelous to his past and ask him silly questiones about it and get angry. An ex girlfriend of his was always in the way until that boiled up and me and her had a huge argument so i would always through things abour her in his face even though he had only ever loved me. Towards the end of the year me and him started arguing terribly everyday until he walked out and never came back.. May i mention that his family hated me wouldny even let me in the house and filled his head with horrible things.. He fought against everyone for me even some of hos friends as they didnt lile that he was always with me and the family just didnt like me! Said i treated them bad when i never! We used to laugh and cry at how happy we were together and promised a future together. After the break up he went with that ex physco girlfriend and came back to me saying he wanted to be friends but in a future get back together we ended up meeting and kissing then he started being distant. He has always come back spoke to me.. we ended up talking about us and how much i love him and miss him he would say yhe same then get distant again.. Were always being childish and blocking and following eachother on social media .. He then started with another girl and said she was so mych better than me in many ways ( let him go out with his friends even though he said he wanted to be with me always!! ) didnt through things in his face which is fair enough but she doesnt care about him so thats why he can do what he wanted.. We bumed into eachother and kissed while drunk and i said i missed him and he said me too. we even took photos of eachother but the next day he text me angrily to delete them from social media and started insulting me as always!! We lost contact for a month and i recently moved country and i told him and he started beingn friendly again we ended up talking for a while and he said he knows noone will ever love him for than me and that i was the only girl he loved meanwhile his friend told me hes going around saying that this other girl that he was with while he kissed me not long ago has made him feels things i didnt!!! I dont understand and i asked him and he said he was in love with me but hates me too much to forgive me for the way i supposedly treated him while we were together even though we were both the bad guys.. Me more gor being nasty with arguments and i really feel like hes the one for me its been 8 months since we split and i still love him like i did when i was with him .. He said if one day we were to grt back together it would be because i deserve it but it will never happen cause he hates me? Doesnt make sense, what is happening to him??????