A more detailed story is available at gofund.me/t8zgzaw.
While you are there, please consider donating for us to be able to afford going to a marriage counselor. Hopefully you will gain a deeper happiness knowing you helped us get one step closer to our happiness.

My wife and I got married about a year after high school. No kids but we were so in love. We've lived together for about three years at this point. While in high school my wife dated a guy much older who promised her the world and then broke her heart.

Recently we've been having problems. We get into arguments and she says things like she doesn't deserve me and we are not right for each other. We have both poured out hearts into our marriage but it sounds like she just wants to give up. Not only that but she also recently confessed that she has never stopped thinking about him even though she hasn't been in contact with him. She keeps wondering what could have been with him. She wants to take some time apart and i think she is even contemplating separation even though she says she still loves me and hopes for a future with me.

What I am afraid of is that if we take some time apart she will take that opportunity to reconnect with him and leave me. I'm in college and close to a high paying career and she wants to be a stay at home mother to beautiful children. If she goes with him everything will be up in the air. He doesn't have a stable job or living arrangement and no prospect on the future. After everything we have been through and everything we have accomplished I am not ready to let her go. I don't know what to do to save our marriage. I know that if we fix this, this time, we can make it forever. I just don't know what to do.