So, in brief terms, I recently met a guy and we went out for two months. I'm 33, he's 37. Both married before; I am divorced, his is taking forever, as his ex is a complete nightmare and is being very very difficult about it all. We both have children.

After 2 months, during which everything was genuinely great, he was becoming very stressed/distracted, mainly with the stuff with his ex. A week ago, he ended it by text saying he'd been thinking and something didn't feel right as it did before, he couldn't see us together long term and coz of everything going on, he couldn't devote himself physically or mentally to a long term relationship right now. He said there was no one else. It was nothing he/I had done, we get on really well, he loved spending time with me and thought I was great. He wants to stay friends. Said who knows, he may end up regretting it big time. There were lots of "right nows" and "at the moments". I replied a few of times but he wasn't listening so I stopped replying.

A few days later, his best friend, who I have never met/spoken to, contacted me. She told me that he is very messed up right now and just doesn't know what he wants relationship wise. He needs to sort out everything with his ex, get the divorce finalised to move on and be able to commit. I told her that I hoped when he's done that and in a better place, if I'm still free, perhaps we could have a fresh start and she said she hoped so too, but not to wait for him as she'd done that for someone once and it never worked out.

In the last couple of days, he has suddenly started liking every Facebook status I put on. When we were together, he never touched my Facebook stuff, enough when I tagged him into things. I'm confused as to why he has suddenly started doing this?

I have also noticed over the last day or so, he's started using whatsapp an awful lot. He's on and off during the day, on constantly during the evening, right up until he goes to sleep (last night 12:20am). I'm not checking up on him, but am having several conversations with friends so I'm on a lot. I don't know how much he used it before he met me (so am unable to compare), but I can't help but wonder if he's moving on and talking to someone else? Or is he just reconnecting with his friends? Is he trying to sort issues with his ex? Or is he checking up on me?

As a result, I'm not sure what I should do. I'm happy to be friends with him for now, if that's what he wants. I will be there for me to help and support him if he wants. I'm not going to wait for me, but neither am I going to go out and find someone else for the sake of it. I am going to concentrate on me, my life and doing whatever the hell I want. But I would like to think that there is some way of guiding things so get us back together???