There are so many beautiful things in the world. Comparisons upon comparisons without end. Beautiful, more beautiful, most beautiful, most most beautiful and on and on.

There is a common saying that "God's type can never be found but human beings are very common and similar". There are several results for the desires of a particular heart. What am saying in essence is that, the desired qualities of a man/woman's heart can be seen in so many woman/man, do not think that because you have gotten someone with your desired qualities then there is no other in existence.

One thing that is certain in human existence is CHANGE. One's desire might even change when some occurrence comes to play. At times, when some people fall sick they tend to hate some things which they have once liked or loved.

Going straight to the question, one's heart can really beat for two, but when such things start happening there are personal questions to be asked. One of the questions is that deep down in your heart do you still feel the same way toward your man/woman? If yes/no, is there any space that someone else is filling despite still having that deep feelings towards your man/woman? Have you noticed any thing strange from your man/woman that is bringing you discomfort lately?

If any of those questions are positive then it means the affection you have towards him/her is loosing its ground, thereby, giving room for other feelings to emerge towards another person. But if the answer is negative, then work must be done on oneself. Human being have the potential of growing feelings towards another person despite having a deep feelings toward someone else. There must be distinction between love and lust, and this goes beyond beauty, when all a man/woman is looking for is beauty or perfection then such person will keep falling victim of having one heart beating for two. Beauty fades and perfection is of no man. When we talk of marriage though beauty is also essential but the definition of beauty to 10 men/women varies and that is why there is no even most beautiful/handsome on the planet earth.

It's very possibly ones heart beat for two even when those questions i raised are even negative, but it can be controlled. The heart may beat for two but it can only contain one.

When you are contented there is a limit at which the heartbeat for the other person can stay. Contentment and determination is the key to a successful relationship/marriage.

You will definitely see someone better than who you claim to have deep feelings for but Contentment and determination will make you see other most beautiful/handsome to be irrelevant which will not make the heartbeat for another person to come or linger for more than required.

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