I'll try (but may fail) to be as quick to the point about this as I can.Known this girl for two and a half years and have just been friends. Just started officially dating her in May. Differences abound and are aplenty. She works as a night shift nurse night shift/is a night person, I'm a morning person. That alone cause some problems as she wants to stay out late when I want to go to bed at 10pm and it's impossible to get her to do something before 12... Unless she's been up all night/morning. She's sexually submissive as am I, which makes sex boring for both of us. She LOVES to, on her days off, go out and drink, very much into the party scene where as me, everytime we hang out I just want to do diner and a movie or have a low key get together with her friends... Most importantly (to her) she BADLY wants kids in the future. I sure as heck don't want them now and can't say for certain I want them in the future.. This is a big deal for her as having kids is like... Her life's ambition or something. It's because of this, last week she that we might not work out and I agreed but convinced her to give us more time and me time to make up my mind. Since then I went back to on line dating and have been actively looking for dates.

She leaves me unsatisfied on a couple levels and sometimes dates are very boring but at the same time I care for her very much! Hard to tell when reading the above paragraph but in a way I love this woman. We've known each other so long, she's a total sweetheart, she has a good career, and I get along quite well with her family. I know she's very fond of me and if I leave her behind I'm going to be hurt very badly.. But at the same time she leaves me unfulfilled and it seems like every date we go on either I'm unhappy or she is depending on rather we're out drinking (I'm unhappy) or we're staying in watching Netflix (she's unhappy)... Part of it may be me being afraid of not being able to find someone to accept me and someone I like as much, I'm kinda insecure. Like I said though despite our differences I care about her very much. I don't want to be just friends and see her with someone else.