My fiancee has a crazy high sex drive and I honestly can not keep up with it. He always wants to have sex and gets furious when I say no. There's days I just give him what he wants so he can shut up....

Sometimes I feel like he doesn't understand and doesn't want to understand that there's days I just don't want to have sex. And trust me the sex isn't bad. But...each time I look over he's looking at some porn website or he's looking stuff up. Like seriously? I'm right here. And it doesn't help that we live with his parents at the moment so we can't do all the thingd we want to do because there's someone knocking on the door every ten minutes.

I love him I really do but the way he acts is really drive a wedge in between our relationship. And I've tried many times to explain to him why I don't have sex with him that often but he just gets mad starts speaking over me and calling me selfish. How am I being selfish? I mean I do feel bad that we go days or weeks without having sex but I'm just not in the mood. I mean there's days when I do really get worked up and we have sex but after that, I can go days without having it again and be fine.

What should I do?