I had been trying to get together with a girl about in late August. She was a work colleague(subordinate actually) until she changed jobs, but it always seemed as if she would want to get together. . . we exchanged texts, etc. . . and at one point she even said "I miss our discussions, let's see each other soon". I subsequently tried to get her to commit to meeting up afterwork, on the weekend, but basically came up with excuses of why she didn't get back to me both times.

Saw her at a funeral in August, we talked almost exclusively to each other and one colleague said she wouldn't spend that much time with me if she wasnt' interested, so then I called her up in later to setup a date, but she never got back to me. In any event, I pretty much wrote her off, got rid of her number, etc., because I assumed she wasn't into me. Quite honestly, I was done. Just last week we were going to be going to the same business event and she reached out to me to check if I were going . . . at the last minute I couldn't make the event and texted her, she said it was a shame and she would have like to have seen me. . . Anyway, this Sunday she texts me in the morning with "Good Morning!" and shares a link of an interesting article she thought I'd like, and then says "Have a great Sunday!" Does she want me to respond? For me to chase to stroke her ego- at least subconsiously? That's what I'm assuming - correct? My plan is not to respond unless she reaches out again. Sound right??