So, I'm a years 17 old guy and the hardest part for me in the whole dating process is breaking the ice and the very first interaction I have with a girl I like. Once I can get in a conversation in a pretty decent way I can fascinate the girl and run the things in a smooth manner... But again, breaking the ice in a non-creepy way is my biggest weakness because despite the fact that once I get a little bit confortable with someone I become one of the most sociable person you will ever know.
The problem is that I can run a conversation with someone after I know them for a while or if I dont know them at all (with the traditional ice breakers like "hi, I'm John" or whatever) but the girl I like is somehow in between and this status gives me a hard time for a year or so.
We have common friends and we know eachother names and we actually hang out in a larger group at some events, but I dont see her often and when I do we are in a context where we cant talk in a one to one, personal way. All we did is just stare at eachoter making strange eye contact.

In our group we both have kind of the same status, good looking (I'm into bodybuilding and she is smoking hot), smart, and very closed (percived by the other as arrogant, but at least in my case is because I feel insecure in the social environments). She seemed intrested in me but my subtle attempts to start a conversation failed so I totally ignored her for a long long time and this thing seems to puzzle her because every other guy is making her advances and she refuse them all.

I thing once I can start a conversation all this tension will work well in my favor, but I dont know how to do it because I dont have an good ocasion and I dont kniw how to create one.