So before i start , i am 17 years old and he is 18 years old . He's in military school and i get to see him every other weekend. When we're together its amazing , but im starting to see him distance himself more and more . Whats strange is that when he's in school he's always contacting me whenever he gets the chance , but recently he went on a trip for spring break with his grandmother to Colorado and has been barely contacting me . He's been posting on instagram more which he never really does, and i noticed him liking other girls photos . I know pretty women exist and men are going to look even if they have a girlfriend , but this bothers me because this is around the time that he stopped contacting me as much when he liked her pictures. Im very insecure and im wanting to end this before i inevitably get hurt . Although i dont want to let a good one get away and i know I'll regret it for a long time . I absolutely have no idea what to do . This is the first time I've been in love and these feelings are no joke . I dont want my own insecurities and problems get in the way of a happy relationship. By the way im poor and he's super rich and he's going to an expensive college and all that and im going to a community college :/ he has a car and i have to walk to work and i have a ton of problems at home and he doesnt ... im not saying i hate the fact that he's well off and whatever but it is kind of different to me and i do not love him for his money by the way ... anyways once again someone please hear me and help me . Thank you for reading